The territorial antenna program has been updated

The update of the territorial program of the plants was presented this morning, aimed at planning the correct urban and territorial settlement of the Radio Base Stations (Srb) in the territory of the Municipality of Arezzo. A plan aimed, explains a note from the Municipality, “to minimize the population’s exposure to electromagnetic fields, in compliance with the laws and provisions governing the matter. Among the administration’s objectives is also the rationalization of the placement of future mobile telephone installations on the municipal territory aimed at favoring the use of already existing supports. The maintenance of a constant document flow between the Municipality and the managers is also envisaged, to encourage correct information to the population.

The drafting of the plant program took into account many tools, such as the Regional Cadastre, the operators’ network plans, the intended uses of the territory and buildings, and the existing electromagnetic field values. In particular, in relation to this last point, the measurement campaign, carried out with the aim of verifying the current state of electromagnetic pollution at specific receptors, has highlighted a good situation in the municipal territory. Even the measurements carried out on areas of the territory adjacent to active telephone systems showed field values ​​well below the quality objective of 6 V/m.

Compared to the hypotheses for the location of new SRBs indicated in the Plan approved in 2016 and subsequent individual authorizations, to date only seven new antennas have been built. The main activities of telephone operators in the last two/three years have concerned the technological updating of existing equipment, especially for transmission needs with 5G technology.

The development plans for the year 2023-2024 were requested by the municipal administration from the managing bodies, as required by regional law n.49/2011 art.9. To date, six operators have presented the relevant development plans to adapt existing sites to new technologies and exploit the co-site technique for new installations in order to minimize the impact on the municipal territory.

At the same time as the Program is updated, the Implementation Regulation is drawn up which governs the installation of new SRB equipment and all the procedures relating to the specific matter. Once the verification and sharing procedures have been started by the competent offices, municipal commissions and the Council, the municipal program of the systems will be implemented annually, which will follow the implementation of the network development plans by all managers (by October every year) and the decisions taken by the municipal administration.

The technical proposal of the Plan will be subjected to the Strategic Environmental Assessment procedure, pursuant to regional law 10/2010. It will then be adopted by the City Council, placed under observation and then approved following counterarguments. Prior to each of the phases described above, relating to the formation of the Plan, transparency, information and participation of the resident population and other interested public and private entities will be ensured, as required by regional law 49/2011″.


“The first element that supervises the entire work and that responds to the primary interest of citizens’ health is the minimization of exposure to electromagnetic fields – declared the deputy mayor Lucia Tanti. – The rationalization of the placement of the systems and the evaluation of the use of already existing supports are the other guidelines with respect to the requests from the companies. What remains unchanged is the central role of the Municipality which is responsible for management: it is in fact necessary that development and strengthening remain within a system framework which is the duty and right of the Municipality to undertake”.

“The update of the territorial program of the plants responds to specific criteria which provide for a substantial evaluation of the development plans presented by the managers and a detailed analysis of the municipally owned areas that can be used for the installations. The planned participation in meetings with citizens and institutional bodies represents a fundamental point in favor of the necessary involvement of the resident population in the choices to be made”, said councilor Francesca Lucherini

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