From X Factor to Ancona, in Piazza del Papa it’s time for Tropea: «Happy to perform in the Marche» – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

From X Factor to Ancona, in Piazza del Papa it’s time for Tropea: «Happy to perform in the Marche» – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina
From X Factor to Ancona, in Piazza del Papa it’s time for Tropea: «Happy to perform in the Marche» – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

ANCONA – Tropea, the Milanese band that participated in the sixteenth edition of The occasion? It is clearly that of university Wednesdays created by the municipal councilor for youth and nightlife, Marco Battino.

READ ALSO: The Silent party in Ancona. The councilor: «It’s new for young people, Tropea will be here on Wednesday»

The appointment, in Piazza del Plebiscito, known as Piazza del Papa for everyone, is at 9.30pm. Thus, after Sofia Cagnetti (click here) and Leonardo (Atarde) Celsi (click here) – two illustrious Ancona natives for having participated respectively in Amici (on Canale 5) and in the Concertone del Primo Maggio – comes the Milanese band, born in 2017.

Founded in Milan, the band is made up of Pietro Lupo Selvini (vocals), Lorenzo Pisoni (bass), Domenico Fizio (guitar and vocals) and Claudio Damiano (drums). Together, they will bring to Ancona the sounds that have always distinguished them.

“We are very happy to perform in the Marche. Your land – explains drummer Damiano – makes beautiful synthesizers. In the Marche – he continues – there are the best musical instrument factories in Italy. Ancona? We were only passing through, but we did a concert in Fano and, personally, I have a friend in San Benedetto del Tronto.”

Damiano, what message would you like to convey through your music?
«More than a message, we would like our music to take on a value for someone, perhaps linked to a memory, a sensation, an experience, a person».

You are a reference in the underground scene thanks to your live power and ability to explore different genres. What advice do you give to a young person who dreams of music?
«Curiosity: it may seem trivial, but it is not. You have to be curious and not get caught up only in the things of the moment. If you want to make music, you don’t have to just chase something you see others doing. In this era, music rains down on us, research no longer exists. If you want to do this job, talent is fine, but research is fundamental, as much as curiosity, exploration of various musical styles and study. Talent must be driven by something rational, concrete.”

What if I say «X Factor»?
«I answer that it was a wonderful experience, certainly not replicable. You can’t try it every day – she jokes – It’s something out of reality, you live with other people, you’re tossed here and there, then there are the live TV shows which are really demanding. From a psychological point of view, it’s a big blow, you have to be prepared, but you have to be convinced of what you want to do. Not everyone who passes through talent manages to continue their career. Although the aim of such programs is to launch talent, they are more likely to kill. At the same time, however, we met people who gave us a lot both on the professional and human side. And then we performed at the Forum and at the May Day Concert.”

What have you learned in these seven years of career?
«That what works on TV is the truth. Although it is said that TV is fiction, and for the most part it is, when it comes to talent the truth always wins.”

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