United for Aprilia on the redevelopment of the suburbs: “complete failure of the center-right, every promise unfulfilled”. – Radio Studio 93

United for Aprilia on the redevelopment of the suburbs: “complete failure of the center-right, every promise unfulfilled”. – Radio Studio 93
United for Aprilia on the redevelopment of the suburbs: “complete failure of the center-right, every promise unfulfilled”. – Radio Studio 93

The list “United for Aprilia” intervenes on the topic of redevelopment of the suburbs:A complete failure of the center-right. – comment the coordinators, Alessandro Mammuccari, Stefano Setini and Gianfranco Caracciolo – The coalition had staked everything on those voters, but every promise made during the electoral campaign was disregarded”. Uniti per Aprilia underlines how the Lazio Region and Ato4 have not added resources to the city’s disposal, not even for the improvement of the water service; and the story of the purifier in via delle Salzare is given as an example. “On several occasions – the list recalls – we also asked for the establishment of consultations, including that for the Periphery, but the centre-right shrugged its shoulders”.

Uniti’s full note for Aprilia:

“Growing thanks to the uncontrolled expansion of peripheral areas – writes the list – Aprilia is increasingly configured as a sum of small local communities, not very homogeneous with each other which does not allow it to become a city or that common place where an entire community recognizes itself .

In all the electoral campaigns the political forces have promised everything and more from the creation of small Cortine D’Ampezzo to other amazing interventions. What was promised by the Center-Right in 2023, which has staked everything on those voters but to date not even a shadow of those promises, is extraordinary and bordering on the imaginary.

The famous law 6 which was supposed to finance various rehabilitation works was forgotten by the Lazio Region which did not allocate any resources for Aprilia, on the water and sewerage front, ATO 4 did not add resources to the provisions of our city, and the affair of the purifier in Via delle Salzare, no additional resources for the improvement of the water service, while on the municipal resources front the absolute desert with impassable roads all year round in the face of the Centre-Right’s electoral promise to resurface all municipal streets.

Of the implementation plans twenty years after the approval of the Recovery Variation, we believe we are looking for ways to define them, with the only effect that suburbs without places of aggregation have seen the number of inhabitants grow thanks to the houses built in the landlocked lots .

On several occasions we have asked for the establishment of the Councils, including the one for the Periphery, but the Centre-Right has shrugged its shoulders.

A complete failure on the part of the Centre-Right which during the electoral campaign had promised everything and more, but above all had foreseen the definitive resurgence for our suburbs which did not happen and we find ourselves definitively abandoned”.

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