Free course for horse care workers, announced by Coldiretti Toscana

A free course aimed at unemployed and unemployed people to become experts in the care, preparation and breeding of horses. The qualification can be spent by participants who pass the exam at the end of the course to find employment in one of the farms with horse breeding, in equestrian centres, in riding stables but also in promotional bodies and associations. Promoted by CAICT, the Training Agency of Coldiretti Toscana, the course aims to transfer to participants the knowledge and skills to independently manage all activities, from horse care to stable management with also reference to farriery and management techniques of the horse.

The course includes 900 hours of which 570 are in the classroom (divided as follows: 310 hours of practical/laboratory exercises, 225 hours in the classroom and 35 hours of educational visits), 300 hours of internships to be carried out in the Tuscany region in companies sector, 30 accompaniment of which 22 of collective orientation and 8 of individual orientation. The lessons will all take place in person, from Monday to Friday. The detailed calendar will be communicated at the beginning of the course. The compulsory attendance percentage is 70% of which at least 50% is internship.

The course is entirely free as it is financed by the Tuscany Region with resources from the PR ESF+ Tuscany 2021-2027 and included within Giovanisì (, the Tuscany Region project for the autonomy of young people. The registration deadline is set for July 21, 2024.

In order to participate, is it necessary to reside in Italy, have a three-year qualification in professional education and training, or be eighteen years of age? and knowledge of the Italian language not lower than level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) for non-Italian speaking users. Being unemployed, unemployed or inactive. For information and registration, contact the CAICT training agency of Coldiretti Toscana (Viale Fratelli Rosselli n. 20, Florence) by writing to [email protected] or by contacting the number 055-32357212.

For information, consult the official Coldiretti Toscana training website

Source: Coldiretti Tuscany

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