“I hope to see you burn.” Stalker (26) convicted

“I hope to see you burn.” Stalker (26) convicted
“I hope to see you burn.” Stalker (26) convicted

ANCONA For months he allegedly held her hostage, with threats and persecution. According to the accusation, he even went so far as to hack into his ex-girlfriend’s Instagram profile to post a photo of her naked. A shame too big to overcome for a 16-year-old girl, who through her parents filed a complaint against that man, a 26-year-old Romanian, with whom she had established a relationship of constant push and pull. From the complaint filed at the police headquarters to the trial, just six months passed.

The accusations

Yesterday, the preliminary hearing judge Francesca De Palma sentenced the defendant to three years in prison for the crimes of stalking and revenge porn. The trial was held under the abbreviated procedure. The 26-year-old, defended by the lawyer Angelandrea Cecere, was present at the reading of the sentence. The lawyer Roberta Montenovo was there for the girl, with whom she joined as a civil party. After the young girl’s complaint, various precautionary measures were taken against her ex-boyfriend: from the prohibition of approaching and communicating with the victim to house arrest. The latter measure was taken last March, after the arrest of the Romanian by the Carabinieri: he ended up in handcuffs because the alert on his electronic bracelet had been activated near Piazza Roma, the area where the 16-year-old was walking, from which he should have kept at least 500 meters away.

The facts

But already in the previous months, according to what was contested by the prosecutor, the stalker had bombarded his ex with messages and threats. A harassing behavior carried out since December 2023, the month of the definitive end of their relationship. On one occasion, he allegedly sent her a video in which he portrayed himself while burning a photograph with the girl’s face. Then there were the threatening messages, not only directed at the ex but also at her father. “I hope you explode, that you kill yourself, that all the things you have of me will burn with you. You are a drug addict and a junkie.”

The prosecution then contested the revenge porn episode. According to the prosecution, the 26-year-old posted a photo of the girl on her Instagram profile while she was in an intimate position. The publication would have been possible because the Romanian had access to the ex’s social passwords. Fortunately, the photo would have remained online for only a few minutes. But it was enough to trigger the accusation of revenge porn, recognized yesterday by the judge.


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Adriatic Courier

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