Volley Modica, spiker Riccardo Capelli reconfirmed

Fifth reconfirmation at home Avimecc Volley Modica in view of the next championship A3 series of volleyball. For the third consecutive year, in fact, he remains in the shadow of Castle of the Counts the spiker Riccardo Capelli (in the photo). The class of 2000, in fact, arrived in the blue and white in the 2022/2023 season, after the experiences accumulated with Vero Volley Monza, Aurispa Libellula Lecce And BCC Castellana Grotte.

Brianzolo of 198 centimetres, Riccardo Capelli has demonstrated in recent years its value and not just technical value and its permanence Modica it was strongly desired by the entire white and blue environment.

“The reconfirmation of Riccardo Capelli – explain the managers of the‘Avimecc Volley Modica – was never in question on our part. Richard he will be one of our strong points for next season too and we will rely on his technical and human skills and his experience accumulated over these years. Hair – they conclude – it will be a precious resource for us for the next championship A3 series which once again promises to be very competitive.”

For the third consecutive year, therefore, Riccardo Capelli he will be one of Modica’s hotshots and will be part of the hard core of the team wanted by the coach Enzo Distefano.

“I am very happy to have reached an agreement with the club and to stay for the third year Modica – he declares Riccardo Capelli – L’Avimecc Volley Modica it was a salvation for me and I will always thank those who brought me to this beautiful reality. I am also very happy to still have several teammates on the team who like me have been reconfirmed and also some athletes who I know the management is negotiating to strengthen the team. The next championship of A3 series – continues – in Blue groupthere will be many teams from South who will play for the first time in A league and this will be a big unknown because we don’t know many teams at all, but we must always try to implement our volleyball and aim for the top of the table. We won’t have to settle and face the big teams in our group without hesitation, game after game, week after week. I invite all our fans to support us, because – concludes the spikerAvimecc Volley Modica – we have already seen in the past how important their support was for us in the decisive matches played at PalaRizza” .

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