Mager new mayor, Quesada (PD) all-out on the agreement, the department and Claudio Scajola –

Mager new mayor, Quesada (PD) all-out on the agreement, the department and Claudio Scajola –
Mager new mayor, Quesada (PD) all-out on the agreement, the department and Claudio Scajola –

“In the end, those who believed that everything should be done to achieve two objectives were right. The first is to give programmatic answers to those who have believed, in recent months, in Fulvio Fellegara’s proposal. These are real people with real needs. The second is that of the entire centre-left, that is to avoid that, after 10 years, the right returns to the government of the most important city in the province”.

These are the words of the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party, Cristian Quesada, who together with Fulvio Fellegara was the supporter of the political and programmatic agreement with Alessandro Mager. An interview, the one with Quesada, which tells how the last two weeks went on a political level in Sanremo, between meetings and gatherings.

“Fulvio Fellegara and Alessandro Mager are two people of great balance – Quesada continues – who have demonstrated how, by joining forces, they can represent an administrative project in the coming years, which can also be replicated in other cities of the province. In the end, having influenced the choice of support for Alessandro Mager, it was clear how many of those who supported us in the first round understood the appeal made in recent days and allowed the election to be won”.

What do you feel like saying to Progetto Comune, which was the only list of the Fellegara coalition that disengaged from the agreement? “I believe that within a coalition there are different sensitivities. Progetto Comune was a traveling companion who made a different choice, but the relationships of the electoral campaign must not change, but which made us share the choices”.

Many argue that Generazione Sanremo and PD did not align themselves with Mager’s coalition, because the new mayor’s lists would have lost three city councilors. Why didn’t you do it? “Because it involves a political alliance and that was not the basis of our dialogue. The idea was that of a convergence on various programmatic points”.

During the months of the electoral campaign there were several topics in common but also many divergent ones between Fulvio Fellegara and his coalition, with the new mayor. One of these is certainly public water and, in this regard, there was no shortage of invectives from Fellegara to Mager, accused by the former of not taking a position on the subject: “One of the reasons for the start of the dialogue – Quesada replies – was Mager’s clarification. Not that he is in favor of private entry, quite the opposite. The situation of Rivieracqua is very difficult on an economic level, but Mager has guaranteed us that he will fight to maintain public water, as long as there are the economic conditions to do so”.

On the occasion of a confrontation, which began over the ‘case’ of Pride in Sanremo, Fellegara harshly accused the current mayor of Impera and President of the Province Claudio Scajola, for the various problems that have been plaguing the Riviera Trasporti and Rivieracqua for years. The rumors about the ‘approaches’ between Mager and Scajola and the latter’s endorsements had created quite a few discussions on a political level. What is your answer on this matter? “The assumption is that without us Rolando would have won and, in this way, Mager has politically recognized the centre-left. There is another aspect: we have not agreed anything with Scajola, because we made an exclusively Sanremo choice on a programmatic basis and without any political value. Surely Claudio Scajola and I couldn’t even agree on the table menu. If he is a supporter of civility and gets along with Mager, we remain far from the mayor of Imperia. This does not mean that, institutionally, he should not speak with the president of the Province, but what matters is his autonomy with respect to the figure without being subordinate to it.”

There has been talk for some time about the position of deputy mayor in Fellegara and a department for the PD: “We had great respect for Mager’s words last week, when he spoke only about the program. Now we are waiting on how he will decline our agreement. We are at Alessandro Mager’s disposal to help him carry out the program. He will be the one to show the way, he hasn’t promised us anything and, if there are places for us in this area, we are available for a constructive dialogue”.

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