Pisticci weather, the forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 26 June

Wednesday 26 June in Pisticci promises to be a day of good weather, with clear skies or few clouds for most of the day. Temperatures will remain quite high, with maximum values ​​expected around 31.2°C during the morning. The perception of the temperature will be slightly lower, but still pleasant, remaining around 29.8°C.

During the morning and early afternoon, the wind will blow from the East – South East with variable intensity between 11.7km/h hey 18.1km/hwhile during the afternoon it will turn to the South East maintaining a speed between 20.9km/h hey 24.7km/h. Gusts of wind will be present, but not excessively strong, with maximum values ​​expected around 28.1km/h.

Precipitation will be absent for the entire day, with humidity remaining around 28%. Atmospheric pressure will be stable, with values ​​around 1008hPa during the day.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Wednesday 26 June in Pisticci indicates good weather conditions, with clear skies or few clouds and rather high temperatures. It is advisable to pay attention to the hottest hours of the day and protect yourself adequately from the sun’s rays. For the next few days, atmospheric stability conditions are expected to be maintained, with temperatures that could remain at similar values. Stay updated for any changes in the weather forecast in Pisticci.

All weather data for Wednesday 26 June in Pisticci

Complete weather forecast for Pisticci

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