BRINDISI. Demonstration in Brindisi against Differentiated Autonomy: Citizens, Associations and Political Forces in the Square


Initiative against Differentiated Autonomy in Brindisi, in Piazza Vittoria, with citizens, associations, unions, political forces. VIDEO INTERVIEWS.

Not Differentiated Autonomy, but “Split Italy law”, this is the message highlighted during the demonstration organized in Piazza Vittoria in Brindisi, with the participation of citizens, associations, trade unions, opposition political forces.

An increasingly topical topic, also and above all in light of the latest parliamentary approvals, which, in any case, is already “splitting” and dividing the country, between those in favor and those against.

On the one hand, the obvious satisfaction, for example, on the part of the Meloni government and the majority forces (national, regional, local), on the other the great concern, above all, in the Southern Regions, with the Center Left forces in front line, but also the governors themselves (regardless of political affiliation).

Present were the General Secretary of the CGIL Brindisi Antonio Macchia (together with other trade union representatives), the head of the council group and city secretary of the Democratic Party Francesco Cannalire, the head of the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra – Brindisi Bene Comune group Riccardo Rossi, the city councilors of M5S and Active Brindisi Roberto Fusco and Diego Rachiero.

Everyone, in their interventions, underlined, if there was still a need, “the danger of a law that does nothing but increase the disparities and differences between the North and the South, fatally striking sectors of vital importance for the country and citizens such as healthcare, schools and transport”.

But there were also interventions by some young people, emblematic of a strong concern on the part of those who, despite everything, still hope for a better future, in a job that gives greater dignity and eliminates precariousness, in “equal dignity and opportunities”.

And the “referendum campaign” is already ready.



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