new possibilities to visit between Bergamo and Brescia

Accessible tourism is becoming an increasingly important priority, and the provinces of Bergamo and Brescia are excellent examples of this. Thanks to the recent STAI project (Services for Accessible and Inclusive Tourism), financed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Lombardy Region, it was possible to increase the accessibility of various naturalistic places and citizens of the Bergamo area, transforming these areas into destinations ideal for all visitors, regardless of their mobility and sensory needs. Three key initiatives, the «Culture Cycle Route for All» and «Via delle Sorelle», together with an innovative architectural model of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo, represent the heart of these improvements.

The «Bergamo Brescia Culture Cycle Route» becomes a route for everyone, with its 76 km connecting Bergamo to Brescia, crossing some of the most iconic and culturally relevant places of the two provinces. Thanks to a series of recent improvements, this route has become even more accessible and safe for all visitors. The cycle paths have been renewed, signage has been made clearer and accessible information points have been introduced.
This cycle route allows you to immerse yourself in the hilly and lake landscapes, crossing the suggestive Lake Iseo and intercepting 872 sites of cultural and naturalistic interest. The preliminary mapping carried out by the Free Wheels association identified the critical issues along the route, which were then resolved to guarantee accessibility, usability, safety and comfort. Now, thanks to the collaboration with the Chimera Cooperative, an assistance and rental service for hand-bikes and electric propulsion systems for wheelchairs is available, opening the route also to people with motor disabilities.

Moving on foot, however, the most significant project concerns the «Via delle Sorelle», a 130 kilometer path that connects Brescia to Bergamo through over 30 municipalities. This stage route has recently been made more accessible, allowing people with disabilities to live a unique experience between nature and culture. Particularly notable are the rings of the Mompiano Valley in Brescia and the Bergamo Hills, where interventions have been carried out to improve the safety and accessibility of the paths.
This path offers an immersion in the wooded and naturalistic landscape, enriched by the presence of contemporary works of art installed in collaboration with the local community. Along the road sections, special signs warn motorists of the presence of vulnerable users, further improving the safety of the route.

Returning to the city, to Bergamo Alta, we find the extraordinary commitment to cultural accessibility with the creation of the architectural model of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo, designed for historical-artistic accessibility to visually impaired people. This detailed scale reproduction allows visitors with visual impairments to explore and understand the architectural features of the basilica through touch. Every element of the model, from the imposing facades to the detailed decorative reliefs, was created with attention to detail.
This project, the result of the collaboration with Skycrab for the 3D reconstruction of the basilica, not only facilitates inclusion, but also promotes greater awareness of the importance of accessibility in cultural heritage. The digital 3D model, created using 6000 frames taken with a drone, allowed an extremely precise reconstruction, used as the basis for the creation of the physical brass model.
In addition to these initiatives, the new pavement connecting the Corsarola to the Fara Parking exit, the mountain itinerary in Val Taleggio and the ring on the hills of San Fermo, both accessible, and the new tourist signs with supports in LIS language in Clusone.
Bergamo and Brescia are increasingly becoming models of accessible and inclusive tourism; Whether exploring ancient rock carvings, immersing yourself in natural landscapes, or seeing first-hand the architectural history of monuments, these provinces offer enriching experiences for all. With improved infrastructure, dedicated services and a focus on accessibility, tourism in these areas is now more inclusive than ever.

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