Unstable Realities – interact, distort, stretch: the RUFA students’ exhibition – EZ Rome

Unstable Realities – interact, distort, stretch: the RUFA students’ exhibition – EZ Rome
Unstable Realities – interact, distort, stretch: the RUFA students’ exhibition – EZ Rome

The National Museum of XXI Century Arts (MAXXI) in Rome will host a contemporary art exhibition entitled “Unstable Realities – Interact, Distort, Stretch”, curated by Fabrizio Pizzuto. The exhibition, which will be held from 26 to 30 June 2024, will be accessible for free and will present the works of 15 students from the Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA). The event will also include a talk by art historian Anja Foerschner.

Inauguration of the exhibition: a choral event at MAXXI

On 26 June 2024 at 5pm, the MAXXI Corner of the National Museum of 21st Century Arts in Rome will open its doors to the exhibition “Unstable Realities – Interact, Distort, Stretch”. This event will feature the students of RUFA, belonging to the Plena Education Group. The exhibition, curated by Fabrizio Pizzuto, art critic and historian as well as professor of Contemporary Art History and Art Management, will present the works of 15 young artists. Among these, Ana Mardesic, Angela Sanchez Ruiz, Bianca Rivetti Burattini, Carter Helmandollar, Chantal Spapens, Darya Shoshani, Eleonora Sgroi, Federica Chiarucci, Giulia Gamba, Hafsa Moin, Lale Jo Kirschner, Luisa Figuereido, Negin Fallah, Rodrigo M. Soto and Vittorio Venturoli.

The event represents RUFA’s largest visual art project ever, including painting, sculpture and live performance. A choral work that also involves the students of the Master in Art Curating and Management of the RUFA, who will take care of the organization and set-up of the exhibition. These include Aymerich Alex, Froberg Victoria Rose, Ozcan Ayda, Strauss Gloria, Tjoeng Yu Pok Henky, Predeep Amrutha, Lee Miae, Guerrero Lucia, Leth Christiansen Anna Cathrine, Fatima Noor, Henderson Lucy and Panisson Elisa.

theInteraction and distortion: the heart of the exhibition

The collective “Unstable Realities” invites the public to explore the multiple possibilities of representation, playing with real and virtual images mixed with personal memories. This approach stimulates reflection on the different ways of visual reinterpretation of reality. The subjects of the works become expressions of moods, thoughts and memories, which can be deformed, stretched and distorted.

According to the curator Fabrizio Pizzuto, “distortion becomes a tool for investigating the plasticity of form and meaning. The deformed figures not only challenge visual expectations, but also offer new perspectives on understanding the subject. Visual manipulations that force the public to reconsider their relationship with the reality represented, raising questions about the stability of the present and its generational and perceptive impact.” Pizzuto adds that from next year, the two-year master’s degree in Fine Arts RUFA will also include a specialization in Performance, to allow students to further explore this discipline.

A sensorial and intellectual journey

The exhibition is proposed as a sensorial and intellectual journey, offering visitors the opportunity to explore new ways of seeing and interpreting reality. Interactive installations require the active participation of visitors, with paintings that can be touched and performers to interact with. The interaction becomes an integral part of the work, revealing reality as a fluid and continuously transforming entity, influenced by the environment and observers.

These installations respond to the movements and presence of the audience, creating a dynamic that blurs the boundaries between the work and the observer. The exhibition does not limit itself to presenting works of art, but invites the public to become an active part of the creative process, asking questions about perception and interaction with reality.

Useful information

The exhibition “Unstable Realities – Interact, Distort, Stretch” will be held from 26 to 30 June 2024 at the Corner MAXXI, in Via Guido Reni 4a, Rome. Entrance is free. The inauguration will take place on June 26th at 5pm. On June 27th at 5pm there will be a talk with Anja Foerschner, art historian and curator of contemporary art, entitled “Art and Reality: Between Relevance and Redundance”. The exhibition will end on June 30th with a final performance at 12pm.

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