“Public housing? Shameful exit” – Il Tempo

“Public housing? Shameful exit” – Il Tempo
“Public housing? Shameful exit” – Il Tempo

Nicola Molteni, in an intervention on Adnkronos, harshly comments on the statements of Ilaria Salis, newly elected with Avs to the European Parliament, on the right to occupy houses: “I find the Honorable Salis’s statement on public housing shameful. The only answer is the safety package, one of the fundamental elements of which is the law to punish abusive and illicit occupations in a more serious manner. Property is an inviolable right, and in too many cases it sees its constitutionally protected right expropriated and limited. Not only more severe penalties, but also an emergency procedure to reassign the occupied property to the rightful owner.”

“The security package – continues the Undersecretary of the Interior – defends the natural and sacrosanct right to property, but above all the weakest, the most vulnerable groups. The cases of elderly people who, perhaps upon returning from hospitalisation, find their house occupied, have set the example. Everyone responds to their own electorate and their own conscience: if for some people squatting is considered a legitimate or necessary act, for me it is a crime and this government protects the right of owners to be able to enjoy a fundamental, primary good, particularly if it is the first home and if the subjects are elderly. Occupying other people’s homes – Molteni continues – is immoral and this security package has as its flagship the rule that raises the penalties and streamlines the process for returning the property to the rightful owner”. Ilaria Salis’ outbursts make many people frown.

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