Murder in Pescara, 17 year old stabbed to death in Baden Powell park. Two high school students arrested

PESCARA – Murder last night in Pescara where a 17 year old boy, Christopher Thomas Luciani, was killed with 25 stab wounds by two peers, who continued to hit him (probably with a diving knife) even when the boy was already lifeless on the ground. It seems that the origin of the attack was a drug debt of around 200 euros.

The victim had been in a community since Friday evening, where he never returned. The person who reported the incident, after realizing the seriousness of the incident, was a boy who had spent the afternoon and evening with the two arrested men.

The body was found between the railway walls and the weeds of Baden Powell park, behind a football pitch, in the center of Pescara. When 118 arrived the victim was already lifeless. Attempts to resuscitate him were in vain.

After the crime, the two suspects went to a factory to swim in the sea to get rid of the knife, which had not yet been found. They are two teenagers, children of well-known families in the area: one is that of a Carabinieri marshal, who commands a station in a small village in the province of Pescara; the other is that of a professional registered with the Bar Association, but who has dedicated herself to teaching for years.

The Volante officers, the forensic police, the 118 and the chief prosecutor intervened on site Giuseppe Bellellithe prosecutor on duty Gennaro Varonethe chief prosecutor of the Juvenile Court of L’Aquila David Mancinithe juvenile prosecutor on duty Angela D’Egidio and the medical examiner Cristian D’Ovidio.

The statement by the Mayor of Pescara, Carlo Masci

“What happened yesterday in Pescara is a tragedy. The murder of a very young man, which allegedly occurred at the hands of other boys, leaves one dismayed and speechless, whatever the motive and the scenario in which the bloody crime occurred. Regardless of the reasons, which we do not know, one cannot die when one has a whole life ahead of one, just as it is absurd for one to be guilty of such a serious crime. These are precious hours for those investigating, and any reconstruction would be hasty and partial so it is best to let the investigators work. There has already been an initial response, immediate and punctual, regarding this assassination: I had no doubt that this would happen and I thank those who have been busy since last night reconstructing everything to close the circle. Unfortunately, the political controversies of those who are experts not in security but in profiteering were also immediate and punctual and have once again demonstrated that they cannot remain silent even in the face of the death of a child. We must all ask ourselves about the limits and shortcomings of our society in relationships with the youngest: the institutions, the world of school, families must always protect and support children, preventing or slowing down any deviance or drift, and when episodes of Given this gravity, it is clear that we need to ask ourselves questions. My embrace goes to the family and friends of the victim and my thoughts also go to the families of those involved in the murder, overwhelmed by such a serious event.”

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City of Pescara the eagle murder

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