The San Martino district tells its story: new home, memories and aspirations for the future

The San Martino district tells its story: new home, memories and aspirations for the future
The San Martino district tells its story: new home, memories and aspirations for the future

Closing of the Paliesco year with the traditional “Closing Dinner” in the district Saint martin. The people of the Contrada, on Saturday 22 June, said goodbye to a year that has given many emotions in a brand new manor, symbol of pride and belonging for the entire district.

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Contrada San Martino 4 out of 5

The occasion served for get to know one of the eight protagonists of the Palio di Legnano better who this year showed up at Camp Mari with Carlo Sanna to defend the white and blue colors.

A new home

For just under a year the San Martino district has had a new residence, the manor in via XXIX Maggio at number 207. The inauguration was scheduled for May 1st but due to bad weather it was cancelled. «We have moved – said the grand prior Cristiana Moretti – due to force majeure but as usual we were able to transform difficulties into opportunities. We have drawn maximum benefit from a potentially difficult situation and have been able to bring the district to success a new permanent home and this is the most important thing of all.”

The new manor, unlike the previous one, is owned by the district and this gives a greater sense of belonging. «The change of manor – said the deputy grand prior Luca Barlocco – was the most significant act of the last 30 yearsbecause we finally got a manor that is ours and this guarantees a future for everyonein the sense that as long as the district lives, this manor also lives.”

There are many emotions aroused by the change of residence, on the one hand the nostalgia for the moments spent in the old one and on the other the desire to build something new. «Change manor it was a strong emotion– said the contradaiola Cinzia Giucozzi – because while I experienced the old one as a young girl and therefore I found it in the new one I actually participated in the creation».

«I experienced the change of the manor very well, – he said Simone Di Giovanni – it was very nice to experience because it was built by the district and therefore I feel it is very “mine”. It was a nice transition, I’m very fond of the old manor but the new one brings with it good memories and good moments and anyway it is the result of everyone’s work».

Expectations for the future

Expectations are always many and very high. «The important thing – said the grand prior Cristiana Moretti – is that there is the awareness of having done everything within one’s possibilities to try to achieve the best result, we have done so in successive steps in these 4 years. Every year has been different and has led us to an important result like that of a new house.”

The districts have a very important aggregative function. «What I hope for the future – said the deputy grand prior Barlocco – is that young people are able to grasp all the nuances of the districtranging from clothes to running and from entertainment to the cultural side.”

Behind the scenes of the fashion show

Not everyone knows how much work, passion and dedication the Contrada people dedicate to the parade. «The costumes and parade side – said Luca Barlocco – in my opinion it is very underratedon the last Sunday of May we see a parade of more than 1200 people and we take it for granted that the costumes are always the same and perfect, but this is not true. There is a lot of work behind it in recovery and maintenance of historical dresses, cloaks and in creating new projects. Most people don’t know how much effort goes into it.”

An example of how the districts take care of their customs is that of the reconstruction of the two Bande della Vittoria damaged during the 2023 Palio due to the water bomb that hit Campo Mari. «Following the heavy rain that occurred during the 2023 Palio – explained the grand prior Cristiana Moretti – many clothes suffered damage. The district personally contributed to the restoration these damages and therefore we had two identical copies made of the Victory Bands of the ’57s and ’67s, which were absolutely useless. The copies – concluded Moretti – were made following a consultation with the expert restorers and conservators who deal with textiles as regards the permanent costume commission of the Palio di Legnano”.

A meeting place between generations

«Like a great lady – he commented Marida Cattaneo – I deal in particular with the women and children group, in fact we created a group called “Children and grandparents” where we try to bring these two expressions of life together. The results were good and I saw a increase both in the female part of the district and among the little ones and this gave me a lot of satisfaction.”

A jump into the past

For a contradaiolo it is always difficult to choose the most beautiful Paliesco moment to talk about. «There are many anecdotes– he precised Cinzia Giucozzi – I remember the victories with joy but the one that perhaps struck me the most was that of 1992. I arrived in the district in ’91 so that of ’92 was overwhelming not so much for what I felt but for what I saw in the faces of those kids who have participated in the Palio for 25 years without ever seeing their district win.”

The district, a safe place

«I grew up under the blue and white colors, – she explains Stefania Gatti – it has been love since I was a child and saw the Palio with my parents. I have always seen the district as a safe place in which to grow and be able to express joy, work and everything that can be within a district. Being a member of the Contrada implies work, fun and even sacrifice because it takes a lot of time away from your private life, but if you truly believe in it and want to pursue the goals you have set for yourself, it becomes a great satisfaction to see them achieved.”

The role of women within the district

«The role of women – says the contradaiola Anna Calamarihere in the district it is very important. I have always been of the opinion that the grand prior should be a man, but I changed my mind because women have that extra edge that I would like to recognize in all the women who have held this position.”

The San Martino district has always had a very strong female component. «I arrive – comments the grand prior Cristiana Moretti – from a truly very important legacy at the level of female grand priors».

«In our district – said the contrada member Stefania Gatti – there are young girls who are working within the stable and in the racing environment. I hope they can grow in the world of racing and the choice of both jockey and horse.”

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