A life dedicated to others: the Giovannini d’Oro awarded

A life dedicated to others. The Golden Giovannini, the highest honor of the Municipality of Monza, were awarded today, Monday 24 June 2024, the day of the Patron Saint.

The Golden Giovannini ceremony

The winners of the 2024 edition, belonging to the world of volunteering, the church and speakers, were selected by the special commission chaired by the mayor Paolo Pilotto and composed of Rosanna Meroni, Emanuele Cirillo, Vittorio Biassoni, Rosella Panzeri, Laura Morasso and the City Councilors Giovanna Porro and Marco Emanuele Monguzzi.

A life dedicated to others

“Civic merits are a tribute of authentic gratitude that Monza dedicates to those who contribute to making it better every day – explains the mayor Paolo Pilotto – In particular this year, generosity, passion and patience are the characteristics of the people awarded, capable of finding time and talent to donate to others and to the growth of the community”.

Gianni Pelli (in memory)

To receive the recognition in memory of Gianni Pelli, who passed away in November last year, it was the family who wanted to thank the Gev. An active citizen first through political commitment and then as a volunteer in the Group of Volunteer Ecological Guards, Pelli was their tireless coordinator until 2023, also actively collaborating with the relevant Sector and Offices. Thus, after being a point of reference for the inhabitants of the San Rocco district, Gianni became one for all the Gev volunteers: a constant presence also in the Monza Park, he stood out for his daily dedication to his city, which he wanted to serve also as a “civic grandfather”. “The very long history of Gianni’s personal merits towards the entire city is well known to the people of Monza. Generosity and passion were the distinctive signs of his activity at the service of the city.

Fulvia Tiziani (in memory)

Joined the “Ti do una Mano” Association, Fulvia Tiziani it has welcomed young people who were victims of the Chernobyl disaster on several occasions. In 2013, you began to mobilize for the refugee victims of the war in Syria, even going in person to the Syrian Turkish border. In 2014 she was on the front line welcoming refugees upon arrival at the Central Station in Milan. In 2019 she founded the “Mani di Pace” Association with her husband which follows various projects in Turkey and Syria. She moved her husband, daughters and granddaughters on stage to receive the award.

It was her husband who remembered her with emotion, on stage with his daughters and grandchildren. “We will carry on her work – she explained with her voice cracking with emotion – She was committed to helping others until the end”. Always available, ready to give a smile and a hug, she never stopped dedicating herself to others, to children, to immigrants, listening to anyone who asked for help without stopping in the face of obstacles of language, religion and skin color. Her husband and daughters now carry on your precious and tireless activity of helping and supporting those in need.”

Alexander Colombo

Very excited too Alexander Colombo who accepted the recognition, thanking his family and the many friends who supported him.

A skilled musician, with his “Compagnia della Blandoria” he held countless charity concerts, financing various activities in the social and cultural field. He collaborates with S. Vincenzo De ‘Paoli and with the Preziosine in the Day Hospital for the elderly. He also collaborates with the Liceo Nanni Valentini, helping to enhance the artistic heritage left by his father, the famous and beloved painter Riccardo Colombo.

“For thirty years serving others to make the world a better place to live. Animator adored by young people in the oratories of San Gerardo and Frassati of Cederna. Calm and determined, generous and gentle, it is easy for him to understand how he has become a point of reference for children of multiple generations, combining firmness on essential values ​​with the ability to listen and support. A friend always ready to lend a hand, a point of reference for many, he has always demonstrated greatness of heart and willingness to support those who engage in welcoming and comfort activities.

Monsignor Silvano Provasi

Calm, but no less excited, Monsignor Silvano Provasi who recalled his beginnings as a parish priest in Busto Arsizio. Archpriest of Monza since 2007, Monsignor Silvano Provasi This year he celebrated the 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination, at the age of 75.

“Always with an eye and a heart open to the entire city, he has shown particular attention to young people, collaborating with the priests of the Deanery and supporting many initiatives even outside the city area. With a great spirit of welcome he has demonstrated on several occasions a particular sensitivity also for all other forms of faith, establishing a generous and helpful conversation with everyone. Thanks also to your patient work, after six years of work, the façade of the Cathedral of Monza has once again become the wonder that everyone can admire today”. the reason for the provision.

Corona Ferrea in Abio

The volunteers of Abio, the association awarded with the Corona Ferrea award, wanted to celebrate by reading a letter written by a mother. A letter in which the full meaning of commitment in hospitals, including the smallest, emerged.

“My husband and I took our daughter to the hospital for clinical tests – we read in the letter – We found ourselves faced with a reality that we would never have imagined. At the beginning we thought we couldn’t make it, the pain that attacked us in the seeing so many defenseless children fighting against illnesses. Until one moment my daughter found a very welcoming corner, full of games and children playing with their parents. She welcomed her, showed her the games and from there she started playing carefree, unaware of what was around her. Luckily we are fine, but we cannot forget the eyes of the children and parents and we cannot forget the precious work of the volunteers.”

The Association operates at San Gerardo, in close collaboration with the management of the pediatric departments, supporting children and young people, but also their families, with commitment and dedication, understanding and respecting the personal, religious and ethnic peculiarities of each of them and meeting the needs of each individual young patient.

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