Veronica Tosi does not disappoint her Vigevano and wins the European bantamweight belt

Veronica Tosi does not disappoint her Vigevano and wins the European bantamweight belt
Veronica Tosi does not disappoint her Vigevano and wins the European bantamweight belt

THEY LIVED. The dream has come true: Veronica Tosi is the new European bantamweight champion. It was a magical evening at the PalaElachem, the first time a boxer from Pavia wins a continental crown fighting at home and offering a show in a hall that would have deserved an even more worthy setting for the public. The 36-year-old student of maestro Giuseppe Genna beat the Spanish Natalia Francesca on points with a unanimous decision (98-92, 98-92, 97-93 according to the scores of the three referees).

The match

In the first two rounds, Tosi (who grew up at KBK Vigevano) controlled her opponent who knew she had only one way to win, win the match and constantly put the blonde home idol in difficulty. She only succeeded in the first two rounds, which Tosi faced in order to study the Catalan, make her let off steam and then start attacking. From the third round onwards, in fact, Veronica took the center of the ring, showing aggression and power, technique with hooks alternating with direct ones, often doubled. Francesca around the fifth of the 10 scheduled rounds, she wobbled on her legs, seemed about to give in, and then in a couple of rounds she was saved by the sound of the gong. If the Catalan had the virtue of always getting back up, Tosi had the virtue of never giving up, going on the attack even in the last second half.


«Francesca had more experience than me – comments Tosi – but I proved to be tough and tough. I knew that at the beginning it wouldn’t be easy, that she would move a lot on her legs. Mentally I was prepared. I’m very happy, because I wanted this title so much. I invested a lot in this match, both psychologically and physically. Then fighting in front of my people was fantastic, the support of the fans always pushed me forward, they were with me in the ring.”

Tosi, already Italian bantamweight champion, has made her dream come true. «From the beginning of the preparation my whole team was at my side, together with my boyfriend Luca and my family – explains the ducal boxer – they made me feel calm and relaxed. It was a victory achieved in a real match against an opponent who did everything to win.” Veronica will now take a break for a few days, but then she will return to the gym because she already has the defense of the title she just won in her sights, and then aims even higher. «The match for the world championship is my next dream to realize – she concludes – little by little we will get there. Now I have greater awareness of my means.”

Genna comments on the feat like this: «Veronica had the perfect match, she has never fought so well. She set a fast pace, to make her opponent tire. From the third round she gained confidence and landed heavy punches that made themselves felt. Francesca is more technical but Veronica was a tank, showing physical ability to keep the pace high until the end.” —

Maurizio Scorbate

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