Pesaro, shop at Miralfiore. Boresta (Fdi): «The new administration must intervene forcefully» – News Pesaro – CentroPagina

PESARO – Shop at Miralfiore park, the coordinator Fdi Pesaro Serena Boresta calls for tough interventions. «We have been denouncing it for years, through flash mobs, with constant reports and communications to local newspapers but it hasn’t been enough, it seems that the problem, although so serious, is not perceived as such, starting from those who have governed the city for years. And here we have arrived at the broken life of a young man from Pesaro who pains us deeply.

After dozens and dozens of criminal incidents and arrests inside the park that have occurred in recent years we have come to this unfortunate and mournful news. Let’s hope that now the situation is no longer underestimated, that there are no longer any doubts about the gravity of the situation and that the necessary and immediate interventions are taken, it is no longer possible that a stone’s throw from the city in perhaps the most beautiful park in the whole region, certain things”.

For Boresta «It is the same park frequented every day by hundreds of people from Pesaro, by families with children and by adolescents who must be protected by preserving their safety and integrity. We look forward to one soon firm stance by Mayor Biancani and his council to intervene immediately both by keeping the entire park more tidy and once and for all by alienating this age-old problem of drug dealing.

A jewel like our park must be cared for and preserved, doing so is an example of civility, every useful tool must be used for this purpose. We also appeal to all city institutions to implement strong counteraction, making ourselves available from now on to contribute in any way to do everything possible to fight against this cancer. The drug dealing must stop!!! What are we waiting for.”

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