Agri-food crisis: farmers and fishermen mobilizing in Calabria

COSENZA – The initiatives of the COAPI, the Coordination of Italian Farmers and Fishermen born in the aftermath of tractor mobilisations of January and February in Italy and Europe, with the aim of growing and extending the movement and building a unitary space for those in Italy who are fighting against the agri-food crisis and for a turning point based on Food Sovereignty and Agroecology. An entire day of meetings and public initiatives will be held in Calabria on Tuesday 25 June within the framework of the 5 days dedicated to the Right to Produce and Environmental Rights (21/26 June) of the Campaign of #99DAYS TO SAVE AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES BY REOPENING HOPE, which will end in Rome on July 14th and which has, among its objectives, that of composing a “general platform” to overcome the crisis that the farmers’ mobilizations have documented, on which to develop in the coming months and in the next period the new unitary mobilizations based on shared objectives among farmers, fishermen in alliance with citizens and labourers, and that of engaging with governments and national and regional institutions to propose solutions.

COAPI mobilization in Calabria: the program

The day in Calabria will be an opportunity for COAPI to hold meetings with the different social realities that are engaging in the different territories against the agri-food crisis, in view of the important events in the coming weeks and in preparation for the new mobilization initiatives that will be announced in the coming months. Lhe public day in Calabria takes place in two parts, one in the morning at the port of Cirò Marina and one in the evening at Cropani Marina.

25 June 12/1pm Molo Foraneo of Cirò Marina – Meeting and press conference with fishermen to protect the sea and maritime communities. Molo Foraneo 12.00 pm, the COAPI delegation meets the mayor of Cirò Marina, Sergio Ferrari, to give him the appeal of the Network of Rural Municipalities to the mayors of the coastal areas affected by the artisanal marine industries of the Mediterranean to participate in the event on 14 July in the City of ‘Other Economy in Rome, in defense of farmers and fishermen of the Mediterranean. Molo Foraneo, 12.30 pm. Press conference.

The “Mediterranea” motor fishing vessel returns from the fishing trip and unloads the fruit of a night and morning’s work of fishing: fish and rubbish collected from the nets and removed from marine pollution. The fatigue and economic crisis of the Ionian fishermen and the responsibility of continuing to manage and clean the sea, told and documented by the fishermen at the end of a night of fishing. Speakers: Geppino Malena (fisherman and commander of the fishing boat), Gianni Fabbris (COAPI spokesperson and honorary president of Altragricoltura) and the Mayor Sergio Ferrari. The Founder and President of the Mar Jonio Prize, Luigi Stanizzi, applauds the initiative, underlining the importance of giving due recognition to those who fight seriously and concretely for the protection of our sea, unlike those who minimize or pretend of not seeing serial polluters, due to fears of retaliation or worse still due to vested interests.

Also Tuesday 25 June at 7pm – Teatro Comunale Cropani Marina seafront, second square. “Let’s save agriculture, livestock, fishing and artisanal food in Calabria to save our communities”, this is the theme of the Public Assembly
coordinated by Luana Guzzetti (farmer, COAPI). Introduces and concludes:
Gianni Fabbris (COAPI spokesperson and honorary president of Altragricoltura, Confederation for Food Sovereignty)

They intervene: delegation of the Crotone Farmers’ Movement, delegation of the Social Alliance for Food Sovereignty and Other Agriculture, delegation of the fishermen of the Ionian Sea, delegation from Sicily and Campania of the Interregional Network Let’s Save Territorial Farming, technicians and experts Dr. Thomas Vatrano – agronomist,
Researchers from the University of Calabria,

Local mayors: Mayor of Cropani Marina, Raffaele Mercurio; Mayor of Sellia Marina, Walter Placida; Mayor of Botricello, Saverio Simone Puccio; Mayor of Belcastro, Antonio Torchia; Mayor of Marcedusa, Domenico Garofalo; Mayor of Andali, Pietro Antonio Peta; delegate of the municipality of Soverato Simeri; Mayor of Sersale, Carmine Capellupo; Municipal delegate of Simeri Crichi; Mayor of Petronà, Enzo Bianco; Mayor of Zagarise, Domenico Gallelli; Calabria region Dr. Francesco Chiellino, Agriculture Department of the Calabria Region; Filippo Mancuso, President of the Regional Council of Calabria.

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