Roma, Mattia Scala and a “family”: tomorrow the last Italian act

“The power of ideas”, was the title of our recent study. Today those ideas have confirmed, once again, how much work has been done on 2009 and the comparison with the first months can help. Helping those who haven’t yet understood, of course. It was already known at the starting line that the group available to Mattia Scala was of the highest level. Bouaskar in the door, Bonifazi as a ferryman, Saviano And Cioffithe tractor Giammattei in the middle of the field. And then Russian2010 Guaglianone (which is close to renewal despite the attempt of Florentine), Tombion , Zekaj, From Bon… And without forgetting all the others, who may seem gregarious in such a testing context, but who have instead proven to play crucial roles. Think about the growth of Projectswhich against the Juventus he took over in a big way in a tense and delicate match, demonstrating the approach of an experienced footballer. The same Proietti who two weeks later was repaid by the god of football with the 2-0 goal that ousted theInter from the dispute for the flight to Ascoli. Think about how this team played at the beginning of the season: a “merciless” comparison compared to today, but it is merciless for those who are now called to face this team that now seems to have no defects. The defense moves harmoniously, the midfield has now assimilated the coach’s dictates very well. Then the talent up front makes the difference, with a number of high-level players that Scala managed in the best possible way throughout the year, always keeping everyone on track.

The joy after the final whistle against Inter (Photo ©Mirna De Cesaris)


After the battle won and won by a landslide against Inter, on the social profiles of the boys – celebrating after the final whistle – the most popular concept was that of “family”. Chatter? Far from it. Captain Bonifazi and his teammates have demonstrated this in every race since they decided to change gear. No one is left behind, everyone fights for everyone. The result? Having the chance to play an unforgettable match, a match with a cup at stake, the most important cup of all.

“The power of ideas”

Mattia Scala (Photo ©Mirna De Cesaris)

The Roman coach seems to have many and anything but trivial. Modern football, grassroots construction and much, much more. In Trigoria they realized this and in the summer the choice to entrust him with the 2009 season went precisely in that direction, considering all the quality of an amazing group, potentially dominant, but which still had to take many steps of growth. Like all things in life – and football in particular, especially youth football – you need time. In November the time was not yet ripe to draw conclusions, but some considerations needed to be made. In reality, the work of a nursery is essentially impossible to evaluate in a few years, let alone if it can be done based on a few months. Football, however, also imposes this. From March onwards something shocking happened, or rather, we simply began to reap the fruits of the work carried out in the first months. The growth of the individual echoed that of the collective and vice versa. The list of 2009 young people who have changed gear in an important way is truly long. At the end of this list there is Mattia Scala, a young technician (born in 1994) with a heavy surname, especially in Trigoria, and who perhaps for this reason has little margin for making mistakes. It’s part of the game, even if up to a certain point: when in doubt he took his own risks, believed in the ideas that have accompanied him for years, fought against those who didn’t want to give him time (and no, it’s not the management) . Now he is perhaps removing a few pebbles from his shoes, with the awareness that the road remains infinitely long, but at least for this season we have almost reached the end of the line. Only one stop left, in Ascoli, tomorrow at 8.00 pm. There will be the Genoa on the other side.

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