«I lost an eye in a greenhouse in Latina. The owner didn’t help me because he was at lunch.”

«I lost an eye in a greenhouse in Latina. The owner didn’t help me because he was at lunch.”
«I lost an eye in a greenhouse in Latina. The owner didn’t help me because he was at lunch.”

The accident dates back to 7 September 2023. Parambir Singh, 33 years old, graduated in Medicine, wife and two children in Punjab, was working in the countryside of Latina with his owner Maurizio Di Pinto. A curtain stopper enters his eye. «We were changing the plastic of the greenhouse. He said to do it fast, faster. A curse and a scream, a curse and an order. He says that he doesn’t believe in God, that he did everything by himself, without anyone’s help”, he tells Republic. Today she wears a foggy eyeglass lens: “The glasses were given to me at the ophthalmology department of the Terracina hospital.” The curtain stopper “pierced the cornea and now I see double. She, for me, is two people.” The medical record confirms: “Constant crossed diplopia”.

Constant crossed diplopia

As soon as the plique entered his right eye he felt «hn excruciating pain. My father was next to me, he immediately understood the gravity. He asked to call the ambulance.” But Mr. Di Pinto «said no, that it was enough to go home and get medical treatment. We did, but you could tell the injury was serious. We asked if he would take us by car to the hospital in Fondi, a few kilometers away.” And he “answered the twelfth phone call and said that he couldn’t, he was having lunch”. At that point he and his father walked to the bus stop. «My eye had stopped bleeding. It took us two hours to get to the emergency room, but in Fondi they told me they couldn’t operate on me, a better equipped hospital was needed. We went out and back on the bus, towards Terracina. We lost seven hours, we could have saved the eye. At the hospital in Terracina they gave me seven internal stitches.”

The complaint

Now, he explains, he has lost the sight in his right eye and the left is also getting worse. «In ten months I have been to the clinic twenty times, but the chances of recovering are minimal. In a few days I will have a new operation”, he says. He presented a complaint «to the Carabinieri of Fondi, I struggled to get it accepted. Negligent injuries, the prosecutor opened the file only a month ago.” As witnesses he brought «my father and an irregular laborer. The boss just hired him, I don’t know if he will testify for me anymore.” Pinto never went to visit him: «For him we are not humans, just animals. He was like that at work too: swearing and orders, “get up”. Here he starts at three in the morning and works until noon. After the accident he threatened us: “If you go to the police I will have you kicked out of Italy.” No, I am not an animal.”

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