Paolo Berizzi in Piacenza with “The return of the beast” to talk about the Constitution and rights

Paolo Berizzi in Piacenza with “The return of the beast” to talk about the Constitution and rights
Paolo Berizzi in Piacenza with “The return of the beast” to talk about the Constitution and rights




The appointment is for tomorrow (24 June at 5.45pm at the Chamber of Labour Piacenzain via XXIV Maggio, where Paolo Berizzi will present his book “The return of the beast – How this government has awakened the worst of Italy” (Rizzoli). They will participate in the debate Pierluigi Bersanipresident of Isrec, a life on the left as an administrator, minister and political leader, and Giuseppe Giuliettinational coordinator of Article 21 controls. Coordinate Gian Luca Rocco, deputy director of “Libertà”. The meeting was organized in the wake of the initiative “Via Maestra, together for the Constitution” which sees CGIL Piacenza, Anpi, Arci and the Articolo 21 association. “A moment of reflection on the advance of the far right and on the constitutional reforms that risk distorting the institutional structure of the country”. Paolo Berizzi has been dealing with the neo-fascist and neo-Nazi galaxy for over twenty years: he has infiltrated the corners of the fans, in the concerts, at the demonstrations of the extremist right, among the first to raise the alarm about the violence and the slogans of that world. Due to the death threats he received, he has lived under guard since 2019.

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