Alessandria, me.dea has closed another year of workshops in schools: 360 students and 60 teachers met

Alessandria, me.dea has closed another year of workshops in schools: 360 students and 60 teachers met
Alessandria, me.dea has closed another year of workshops in schools: 360 students and 60 teachers met

The school year that has just ended has once again seen the commitment of the me.dea anti-violence center in local schools, with the aim of building a culture of gender equality and non-violence, starting from the new generations and in especially the youngest students.

One of the novelties of the new edition of the #SAVE project – Sensibilization Against Violence – called #SAVE2 – consisted, in fact, in the decision to address this training proposal to the first time Primary School.
The project, as always, was financed by Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Equal Opportunities Departmentin collaboration with Piemonte region.

#SAVE2 was divided into several training courses aimed in parallel at students And teachers Of 4 schools of the territory for a total of 13 classes involved e their teachers: ITIS Alessandro Volta State Industrial Technical Institute of Alessandria, “Leardi” and “For. Al” of Casale Monferrato and “Francesco Negri” Comprehensive Institute also of Casale Monferrato.
The Guardian Angel School of Alessandria was also interested with a plenary meeting.

Overall the project involved 360 students And 60 teachers.

The project has given continuity to a complex work started a few years ago and which includes the involvement of young people and adults, with different roles and skills. The paths, in fact, were divided and divided into two different levels: one involved male and female students with the aim of offering them protected space in which to discuss and express their relational fragilities. The other, aimed at teachers, aimed to offer teachers to the group conscious observation toolsto allow them to perceive and grasp the signs and effects of possible violence, whether suffered, witnessed or acted upon, and to be able to intervene in an effective and timely manner.

Particular attention was paid to the little ones.

The pupils between the ages of 6 and 10 received stimuli on emotion recognition; the boys and girls between 11 and 13 years old, in profound transformation both physically and psychologically, worked on gender stereotypesto which one feels the duty to belong.

The training courses were created thanks to the collaboration between the APS leader me.dea and Overs Movie, a collective of Turin filmmakers active for years in the creation of short films, video clips and documentaries, with which me.dea has activated a fruitful collaboration for a few years. In particular, Fuoricampo Film documented the entire project process and will produce a video story in the coming weeks.

As in 2023, this year too participation in the workshops was numerous and very activeconfirming an important educational and training need.

Aps me.dea is already working to plan initiatives for the next school year.
Schools interested in hosting this type of workshops and, in general, the training activity of the anti-violence center can contact me.dea by writing an email to:
[email protected].

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