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Flames in the night inside the Court of L’Aquila – Piazza Rossetti

Flames in the night inside the Court of L’Aquila – Piazza Rossetti
Flames in the night inside the Court of L’Aquila – Piazza Rossetti

A fire, which almost certainly started from the electrical systems, and therefore probably attributable to a short circuit, broke out the other night around half past one in the L’Aquila courthouse, in via XX Settembre, a building which is owned by the Common.

The flames broke out on the second floor and there was damage in the server room. There does not appear to be any other serious damage due to the immediate presence of the firefighters but the general prosecutor’s office ordered a stop to activities for two days and the provision was communicated to all the judicial offices and bar associations in the region. In theory at least the clerks and registrars could operate from home but with the broken server it is difficult for this to happen.

However, an investigation will be opened into the matter by the Public Prosecutor’s Office to understand the official and exact dynamics of what happened.

Few remember that in the early nineties a large fire broke out at night in the judicial offices of L’Aquila and caused serious damage. It was not an electrical problem but despite investigations and interviews with people informed about the facts, the exact cause of the fire was never known.

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