Carabinieri Marche, waltz at the top Cagnazzo greeting, Conforti arriving

ANCONA Waltz of positions at the highest levels of the Marche Carabinieri. The commander of the Marche Legion, Brigadier General Salvatore Cagnazzo, with the Army Festival at the Passetto archives his experience in Ancona and officially bids farewell. The new commander of the Legion, Brigadier General Nicola Conforti, will arrive on 1 September. Tarantino (originally from Massafra) born in 1970, Conforti arrives from Venice where he led the provincial command since 26 September 2022. The official inauguration ceremony will be held on 16 September.

The carreer

The senior officer, with a brilliant career that led him to take part in international missions, on behalf of the United Nations, in Bosnia and Herzegovina from June 1998 to the following year and in Lebanon from February to October 2008, led 2 provincial commands : Brindisi (2015-2017) and Venice (2022-2024). He has always declared his desire to be personally present in the territory, among the citizens, this being one of his peculiarities. And even in Venice he stood out for his effectiveness, a characteristic particularly appreciated by those carabinieri who still make street activity and closeness to people their mission. Specifically, on 16 June last year, General Conforti stopped a Slovakian pickpocket who had grabbed an Italian tourist, attempting to steal her bag. Although in civilian clothes and off duty, he had chased the pickpocket in the crowd and with the help of some gondoliers and a policeman from San Zaccaria, had blocked and arrested him.

The other change

Another very important change at the top is that of the provincial commander: Colonel Carlo Lecca leaves Ancona where he arrived in 2021 and in his place at the beginning of September Colonel Roberto Di Costanzo, former commander of the Operations Department of the provincial command of Catanzaro and promoted to rank in March. Precisely on March 7, Colonel Di Costanzo concluded his work in the access commission sent to the municipality of Cerva by the Prefect of Catanzaro on behalf of the Minister of the Interior, Piantedosi, to verify the influences of organized crime in the administrative life of the small municipality in following the “Karpanthos” investigation which led to 52 precautionary orders. Operation therefore seems to be the watchword also for Colonel Di Costanzo, originally from Naples, 47 years old, married and father of a little girl, who in the past commanded the investigative unit of Naples and began his career in Calabria Weapon.


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Adriatic Courier

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