“New rules for private tankers in Sciacca”

“The distribution of water via tankers operated by private companies must always take place under the control of the managing body, which is the only one entitled to guarantee the origin and healthiness of the water resource”.

The says it prefect of Agrigento Filippo Romanowho personally intervened to regulate the operation of the replacement supply service on municipal territory of Sciaccawhere private companies operating in the water transport sector had protested in recent weeks against the new methods of supply and distribution.

Even in the face of the rationing imposed by the state of emergency declared by the president of the Sicilian Region, various critical issues have emerged in Sciacca, especially for buildings (palaces, but also tourist residences, country or seaside houses) not connected to the public water network. Buildings which, therefore, can satisfy their needs exclusively through replacement supply via tank trucks. But following the intervention of the prefect, the managers of several buildings which until now were not connected to the public network, requested connection. And there has already been a peak in requests from Sciacca.

“I understand that this is generating unexpected costsi – adds the prefect – and we are also taking into account the summer period in which we find ourselves, which at the moment leads us not to force anyone, not neglecting the situation of isolated buildings and, consequently, not connectable to the water network. It should not be forgotten, however, that water is an integrated service, and that the citizen is required to bear the necessary expenses both for the ‘white’ water that arrives in his home and for the polluted ‘black’ water that then leaves it. Doing the math – concludes Romano – connection to the water network costs less than supply via tanker. Tankers which, however, serve and will continue to serve to fill any difficulties in supply or lack of resources, as the current period is demonstrating”.

The replacement service via private tankers in Sciacca is still in the stabilization phase. And at this stage Aica is struggling to guarantee coordination between user requests and water hauliers. The mayor of Sciacca Fabio Termine has asked Aica to establish a telephone number dedicated exclusively to users of his municipality.

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