Guardia di Finanza, a 250 year history

06.23.2024 – 09.30 – «Today we celebrate i 250 years since the Foundation of the Guardia di Finanza, which has always been a solid defense in defense of the integrity and stability of our economic system. An opportunity to remember the competence and dedication with which the Yellow Flames they work every day to prevent and counter attempts to infiltrate the economic and social fabric, thus ensuring the necessary protection of public resources”. They are the offspring used by the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosion the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the body.

A story, that of the Fiamme Gialle, which also passes through Trieste and for all of Venezia Giulia. Financiers from all over Italy, in fact, fought and died in the trenches of the karst front during the First World War, some Fiamme Gialle would later defect to follow Gabriele d’Annunzio in the Fiume undertaking, before the establishment of the Border Guard they would have carried out most of the tasks of garrisoning the Italian-Yugoslav border established by the Treaty of Rapallo, later becoming overwhelmed by the events of the Second World War.

In particular they fought alongside the National Liberation Committee of Trieste in the city insurrection of April 30, 1945 against the Nazis. Even their comrades Milan they had participated in the CLN insurrection in Milan the previous April 25thobtaining recognition and praise for the contribution provided in the expulsion of the Germans from the Lombard capital. The same did not happen in Triestesince a new occupation began on May 1, 1945, by the IX Corpus of the Yugoslav Armywhich for forty days sowed terror by hitting not only the former fascists but also those who opposed it to the annexation to Tito’s nascent communist Yugoslavia. The financiers represented the Italian State, a State that had to disappear and be canceled with everything that represented it in Venezia Giulia: so it was that on May 3, 1945, well 97 financiers of the garrison of Trieste were taken prisoner byOZNA (the Tito secret police), summarily tried and then thrown into the abyss of the Basovizza mine.

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