Wide field in the square in Latina, Mattarella: ‘Enough exploitation of illegal work’ – News

Wide field in the square in Latina, Mattarella: ‘Enough exploitation of illegal work’ – News
Wide field in the square in Latina, Mattarella: ‘Enough exploitation of illegal work’ – News

It began in Piazza della Libertà, in the center of Latina, the demonstration for Satnam Singh, the 31-year-old Indian laborer who died after being abandoned in front of his house by the owner of the farm where shortly before he had lost his right arm in an accident at work, amputated by a plastic wrapping machine and left in a vegetable box together with his thirty-one year old in front of his home, instead of alerting the emergency services. At the event, organized by the CGIL of Rome and Lazio, the Flai CGIL of Rome and Lazio, the Chamber of Labor of Frosinone and Latina and the Flai CGIL of Frosinone and Latina, in addition to various trade union representatives and local and national politicians, there were also numerous foreign workers and labourers, mostly Indians, took to the streets against gangmastering after what happened to their compatriot.

From Solferino, where he is celebrating the 160th anniversary of the Red Cross, the President of the Republic Mattrella thunders: Serious and extraneous episodes and behaviors such as the one recorded three days ago, when a young immigrant worker died, being refused help and assistance, after yet another tragic accident at work, clash against the values ​​of solidarity and civility. form of work which manifests itself with inhuman characteristics and which is part of a phenomenon – which emerges not infrequently – of exploitation of the work of the weakest and most defenceless, with illegal and cruel methods and conditions”. Illegal exploitation of work is a “phenomenon which, with rigor and firmness, must be opposed everywhere, totally eliminated and sanctioned, avoiding giving the erroneous and unacceptable impression that it is tolerated by ignoring it” said President Sergio Mattarella. “Against these phenomena – added President Mattarella in his speech in Solferino – the values ​​and message spread by the Red Cross stand out and reassure, showing concrete interpretation of respect for the dignity of every person, of solidarity, of Italy’s contribution to civil growth in every place and at all times”.

“Thanks to the city council which is all here close to me today, majority and opposition. I would have preferred a different occasion, but the difficulty of the moment requires us to come together now”. These are the words of the mayor of Latina, Matilde Celentano from the stage in Piazza della Libertà. “If we want Satnam’s not to be another death on the list of workplace accidents we must have the courage to admit that we are all responsible for the hateful phenomenon of gangmasteringboth the institutions and the citizens who prefer not to see – added the first citizen -. The land license of corporals does not belong to us. We don’t want to be called out for what we aren’t. This is a land of migrants, of people who have come to seek a better condition, as happens today with North Africans and Indians. The war against gangmastering is a war of civilizations to be fought together. Latina will not shy away from the commitment to this battle.”

To know more Wide-field-in-the-square-in-Latina-Matta ANSA Agency Satnam Singh, autopsy results are awaited. Listen to your colleagues – News – Ansa.it Special residence permit for widows (ANSA)

Schlein: ‘Irregularity causes exploitation, abolish Bossi-Fini’

“All institutions and all politics must take a step forward against this scourge, because Satnam Singh is unfortunately not an isolated case. There is a structural system of exploitation and gangmastering that must be fought.” This was stated by PD secretary Elly Schlein on the sidelines of the demonstration in Latina. “In the next few days we will present our proposal to abolish the Bossi-Fini law and rewrite it entirely, because it is a law that causes irregularities. And irregularity, as this tragedy and this murder teaches, causes precariousness, exploitation and blackmail on the skin of people like Sadnam Singh”.

The mayor of Fdi speaks, a few whistles for Matilde Celentano

Some whistles accompanied the speech of the mayor of Latina, Matilde Celentano, of FdI, during her speech at the demonstration against gangmastering taking place in Latina, after the death of the laborer Singh. Several rounds of applause also came from the square, while whistles and a few boos punctuated the passages that could be linked to national policies. Some demonstrators also asked not to protest: “This way you damage the spirit of the square.” “We are free to express dissent,” was the response. The climate remained peaceful

Schlein and Fratoianni in the square in Latina against gangmastering

The secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein and the secretary of Si and deputy of Avs Nicola Fratoianni, in the middle of the square, one next to the other, are attending the rallies taking place in Latina in the demonstration against gangmastering. The small stage is set up in front of the prefecture, where the flags of CGIL, Libera, Anpi, Pd, Avs are flying. In addition to the Avs and Pd there are delegations from IV, with Gerardo Stefanelli, president of the province of Latina, from Azione, with Alessio D’Amato, from the party secretariat, and from the M5s, with Adriano Zuccalà, group leader in the Region.

Calderone: ‘We will carry out widespread checks against exploitation’. Today the demonstration in Latina

“We have increased the number of labor inspectors and over the course of the year we will be able to double the number of inspections compared to those carried out in recent years”. The Minister of Labor said it Marina Calderone at Tgcom24.
“Thanks to intelligence and the cross-referencing of data, we will be able to map what is happening in the camps and we will be able to intervene. We will carry out widespread checks throughout the territory about which I cannot say anything else, but the intensification of operations we will see day by day, our Carabinieri for the protection of work, the inspectors are already at work in collaboration with the Italian prosecutors” said the minister “We will secure the agricultural sector. There are many issues” said Calderone who announced the renewal of the redundancy fund for agricultural workers in the case of the “heat” emergency, measure whose extension to fixed-term workers is also being assessed. Among the attentions of the table, dello Calderone also has that of “growing the agriculture sector which is fundamental for the country’s economy, making it grow regularly, supporting the many agricultural companies that work honestly and produce quality”.

“The table will remain open. We will secure the agricultural sector. There are many issues” Thus Minister Marina Calderone on Tgcom24 who announced that she will propose again the redundancy fund for agricultural workers for the “heat” emergency, a measure of which the extension to fixed-term workers is also being evaluated. Among the attentions of the table, you also think of Calderone as “growing the agriculture sector which is fundamental for the country’s economy, making it grow regularly, supporting the many agricultural companies that work honestly and produce quality”.

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