Municipality of Varese selection: ISTAT surveyors work

The Municipality of Varese has announced a public selection for work assignments to ISTAT surveyors.

In particular, the selection procedure is aimed at: formation of a ranking for the assignment of the task of statistical detector on the occasion of the next one population census and housing, for the two-year period September 2024 – August 2026.

To apply you have until July 17, 2024.

Let’s see the required requirements, how the selection process takes place, how to submit the application, the notice to download and any other useful information.


The tasks entrusted to the detectors, for example, are listed below:

  • participate in training meetings and complete all FAD modules and intermediate and final evaluation texts (if new operator). If an expert operator, complete the final evaluation test with a score equal to or higher than 9 out of 10 by September 15, 2024;
  • carry out interviews with the survey units using the survey management system prepared by Istat (SGI or other);
  • report any violations of the response obligation for initiation purposes to the UCC manager
    of the sanctioning procedure;
  • carry out any other task entrusted to them by the UCC manager or coordinator or Head of the Statistics Office and inherent to the respective surveys.


The work assignments for ISTAT surveyors in the Municipality of Varese are aimed at candidates who meet the general requirements for access to public competitions, namely:

  • age not less than 18 years;
  • citizenship Italian, or have citizenship of states belonging to the European Union or be in possession of another condition foreseen by the announcement;
  • correct knowledge of the Italian language;
  • enjoyment of civil and political rights;
  • have not had any criminal convictionsnor have criminal proceedings in progress, which involve
    disqualification from holding public offices, or which may affect moral suitability and aptitude
    to carry out the activity covered by this notice;
  • not have been convictedeven with a sentence that has not become final, for the crimes indicated in the notice.

Candidates are also required to possess the following specific requirements:

  • diploma second degree higher education;
  • knowledge of the most popular IT tools.


The selection of candidates will take place through valuation of securities.

Previous experience as an ISTAT surveyor, educational qualifications, residence in the Municipality of Varese or in municipalities in the province of Varese, and the state of unemployment or unemployment will be evaluated.


To participate in the competition for ISTAT surveyors in the Municipality of Varese, candidates must submit the application by July 17, 2024exclusively electronicallyby connecting to the inPA Portal via the link on this page.

To access the platform you must authenticate via SPID, CIE or CNS.

It is always useful when participating in a public selection to have your own address certified email (PEC) as the entities can also communicate with the candidates via certified e-mail. Anyone who doesn’t have one can read in this article how to get one in just 30 minutes, from home.

If you have problems sending your application, we recommend you read this guide which explains simply and clearly how to register on the inPA portal and apply.


All those interested in the selection for ISTAT surveyors of the Municipality of Varese are invited to carefully read the NOTICE (Pdf 184 Kb).

For completeness of information, we would like to point out that the same has also been published on this page of the inPA Portal.


All subsequent communications regarding the selection procedure will be made known through publication on the inPA portal and on the institutional website of the Municipality of Varese in the ‘Transparent Administration > Competition notices’ section.


You may be interested in other competitions for graduates active in Italy.

We also invite you to consult the 2024 public competitions page, which is constantly updated with the new tenders announced. You can also find out about upcoming competitions to find out which notices will be published in the coming months and prepare in advance.

Finally, to always be updated on job opportunities and public selections, sign up for our free newsletter, our Telegram, WhatsApp and TikTok channels @ticonsigliounlavoro.

Also follow us on Google News by clicking on the “Follow” button above.

by Dorothy V.

Editor, expert in public and private work.

All job advertisements published are aimed without distinction at candidates of both sexes, in full compliance with Law 903/1977.

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