Chef Nobu’s dishes, VIPs, guests in total white: Bagno Alpemare, exclusive party

Chef Nobu’s dishes, VIPs, guests in total white: Bagno Alpemare, exclusive party
Chef Nobu’s dishes, VIPs, guests in total white: Bagno Alpemare, exclusive party

Forte dei Marmi, 22 June 2024 – Guests in strict white dress code. Many VIPs and the novelty of this year: the presence of the dishes chef Nobua well-known Japanese restaurant brand that is liked by VIPs from all over the world.

This and much more in the exclusive party that took place at Alpemare bathroomthe bathing establishment of Andrea and Veronica Bocelli. An eagerly awaited event was the party by the sea, during which summer was officially kicked off.

Four moments of the exclusive party at Bagno Alpemare. Top left, Andrea and Veronica Bocelli on stage during the evening to celebrate the start of summer (Nice photo)

And it was a spectacle right from the entrance, where stewards dressed in sponsored uniforms were stationed Cartier. Inside, during the party, many musical interludes and more. The queen of burlesque, Eva La Plume, also performed. There were around eight hundred guests. Among them many well-known faces. For a bathing establishment that is a destination for several VIPs during the summer.

Landlord Andrea Bocelli: “Special thanks to my wife – said Bocelli – because she put passion and energy into making everything work well. Many people can work thanks to this company. Thank you all for being here.”

“Alongside the Italian cuisine that we have in our hearts, this year Nobu will also open here – he says Veronica Bocelli – We are very happy. It was a crazy initiative, started just a few weeks ago, but like all crazy adventures they are the ones that work best. I have never received so many compliments for doing nothing,” jokes Veronica Bocelli.

The evening continued with a real show on stage. Also performing, among others Ilaria Della Bidiawhich has long had an artistic partnership with Bocelli.

The scenography was particularly carefully designed, with white flowers and plants on the beach between the various gazebos. The buffet is large with seafood specialities.

During the evening a young singer discovered by also performed Bocelli in a restaurant in Geneva. The tenor heard the young Frenchman named Tiziano singing in the restaurant and recognized “a voice that is the same as that of Charles Aznavour. I decided to invite him here so that all of you can listen to this voice.”

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