The OMRI Foundation and the Domus Mazziniana in Pisa together to tell a different Mazzini

The OMRI Foundation and the Domus Mazziniana in Pisa together to tell a different Mazzini
The OMRI Foundation and the Domus Mazziniana in Pisa together to tell a different Mazzini

AgenPress. Telling a story of a different Mazzini from the sad and melancholy character to which school books have accustomed us and proposing a man of flesh and blood with his strengths and weaknesses, but above all with his humanity. This is the Domus Mazziniana project, presented today in Pisa at the conference organized by the OMRI Insigniti Foundation and Domus Mazziniana itself, in the words of the scientific director, Prof. Pietro Finelli.

A great European intellectual Mazzini, capable of communicating on an equal footing with the protagonists of contemporary political culture, from Tocqueville to Marx, but also a Mazzini attentive to the needs of the least. Founder of a school for Italian children who emigrated to London, opponent of “white trafficking”, organizer of large public awareness campaigns. He was a friend of Charles Dickens and George Sand.

And above all a Mazzini captured in his intimacy, in his romantic love for Giuditta Bellerio, in his passion for music, his authentic companion throughout his life, capable of consoling him in his Swiss fugitive as well as in the defense of the Roman Republic. A daily job, concluded Prof. Finelli, possible also thanks to the constant support of the University of Pisa, which has made and makes known to hundreds of visitors every year a different, unprecedented, unconventional and never banal Risorgimento.

The conference began with greetings from the Prefect of Pisa Maria Luisa D’Alessandro and the other local authorities, followed by the introduction of Prof. Paolo Mancarella, President of the Domus Mazziniana and of the Pisa Committee of the OMRI Foundation. After the speech by Prof. Pietro Finelli, the historical narrator Michele D’Andrea, President of the Advisory Committee for honorific and heraldic matters of the Foundation, spoke with the presentation of a master’s lesson on “The hit parade of ’48: successes and fiascos of the music of the Risorgimento”, which elicited a standing ovation.

The event will end with the speech of the Prefect Francesco Tagliente, President of the OMRI Insigniti Foundation, who will speak about the dignity and decorum of the symbols of the Republic, underlining the importance of the constitutional recognition of the National Anthem.

The initiative of the OMRI Foundation and the Domus Mazziniana aimed to connect Mazzini’s Risorgimento history to the “Canto degli Italiani” and was part of the activities promoted by the OMRI Insigniti Foundation to promote the recognition of constitutional dignity also for the “Canto degli Italiani” ”.

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