«Shocking video? I just defended myself”

CREMONA – He denied it across the board. He denied having bombarded his ex-girlfriend with phone calls, having followed her, having obsessed her, having looked for her, begging her to return to him after ten years of a relationship ended by her who, in the end, exasperated, reported him twice: in June 2021 and spring 2022.

He admitted one thing: that he reached his ex at work and showed her a shocking video: a hand loading a gun. But today, on the day of his defense from the accusation of persecutory acts, Luca, 36 years old, owner of a pastry shop in a town in the Cremona area, justified that video like this: «I was subjected to fearful pressure. It was to defend myself from my ex’s current boyfriend who keeps threatening me. He, first, showed me a video of a construction site at night with a person on the ground and then the message: ‘Sooner or later someone will break your legs’.”

In a week, Luca will know whether or not the judge will consider him the stalker of Francescaa job as a bartender, a new boyfriend, civil action with the lawyer Laura Facchetti of the Bergamo Court, now replaced by her colleague Caterina Pacifici.
Again today, assisted by the lawyer Vittorio Patrinion the Friday of his truth, between one ‘it’s not true’ and another, the accused also denied to the judge that he had sent a letter to Francesca’s mother, who in his eyes was guilty of having had a hand in the end of their story love.

A letter full of insults and threats delivered on April 29, 2022. The text: «You and those four bastards… you did everything to make us leave you, when you get up in the morning, look in the mirror or you’re such a… person that you can’t even do it, you’re so infamous , ask yourself two … questions.” And again: «she is a false, evil, I would say useless person… I believe in divine justice before God, one day and he will take it into account… the evil she has done». And as a last sentence: «For now I wish you many good things…». For the prosecution, a “veiled intimidating phrase”.

The last hearing, Luca had listened to Francesca’s story that she emerged “agitated” from this story that ended badly.
The girl had had it recorded: «Every day, even at night, every five minutes I received calls on my cell phone with her number, sometimes with ‘private’ and also on my home landline so much so that my parents had to unplug”.

They were silent calls. “They even reached me while I was at the police station making the report.” Francesca continued: “I also had to block him on all social media because she insulted me.” Luca «wanted to resume the relationship. He told me: ‘Come back, come back with me’. Every day I found him in front of the bar where I work. I was accompanied. I found it everywhere.” In this regard, today the accused explained that he passed the bar on his way to work. “I didn’t even go in for a coffee.” He explained why he had contact with Francesca even after the end of the relationship. «Only professional relationships», because Francesca, before leaving him, according to her, kept the accounts of the pastry shop for him. She had the documentation with her. “We saw each other, because he gave it back to me.”

In front of the judge, the ex-girlfriend had confirmed the “physical assaults”. She had spoken of “a bruise on my face” and “bruises almost always on my arms, because if something was wrong, he would tug me”. According to her, Luca would have also insulted a dear friend. She was angry with him, “because my friend told me that our relationship wasn’t healthy.” The ongoing proceedings are the offshoot of a trial “for similar facts”. On June 30, 2021, Luca was served with the notice of the conclusions of the investigations. Rather than slow him down, the prosecution says he persevered. In the indictment of the trial bis, it is written that the ex-boyfriend “showed up on numerous occasions, sometimes even several times a day” at the bar where Francesca worked, “trying to have contact with her under the pretext of being served” as a client, “and thus controlling the movements” of the girl.

«My client is accused of persecuting his ex-girlfriend. The letter was addressed to her mother, so it has nothing to do with the accusation.”the lawyer Patrini had already specified. Year 2022. On May 14, Luca returned to the office. She showed up at the bar once again and showed Francesca the video from her smartphone of her loading a gun. Since then, the accused has been banned from approaching Francesca. Five hundred meters, the safe distance.

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