Fire in Civitavecchia: Thick smoke and traffic interrupted in the Barracks

Fire in Civitavecchia: Thick smoke and traffic interrupted in the Barracks
Fire in Civitavecchia: Thick smoke and traffic interrupted in the Barracks


The city of Civitavecchia it was the scene of two separate fires which required the rapid intervention of the local authorities to avoid greater damage and guarantee the safety of citizens. Between thick smoke And traffic interruptedthe rescue operations were managed promptly and professionally.

Fire in the kitchen: smoke and risk of spread

Near the Baths of Trajanin via Cardarelli, a fire was caused by an electric oven inside a kitchen. The thick smoke that was released immediately caused concern, given its density and the risk that the flames could spread to the entire structure. Fortunately, thanks to the timely intervention of the Fire fightersthe fire was contained without causing injuries, thus avoiding major damage.

Brush fire at Barracks: rapid intervention and traffic blocked

In the same hours that the fire was being fought in the kitchen, another outbreak developed in via della Polverierain the vicinity of Barracks Of Civitavecchia. The flames, fueled by dry vegetation, required the immediate intervention of the men Bonifazi, who managed to put out the fire in a short time. However, due to the need to operate safely, traffic in the area was temporarily interrupted, with the collaboration of the Civitavecchia Local Police to best manage the emergency situation.


Civitavecchia: city located in the Lazio region, in the province of Rome, it is an important seaport on the Tyrrhenian Sea. Interesting to note that the name Civitavecchia derives from the Latin “Cives Civitas Vetula”, which means “old city”, due to the presence of ancient ruins and the urban settlement that dates back to Roman times.

Baths of Trajan: an archaeological site located in Civitavecchia which takes its name from the Roman emperor Trajan. These baths are considered one of the most important thermal complexes of ancient Rome and represent a significant historical and cultural heritage.

Fire fighters: the National Fire Brigade is an Italian institution responsible for preventing and combating fires, as well as managing emergencies of various kinds such as rescues, road barriers and interventions during natural disasters. They are considered heroes who put their lives at risk to protect citizens and property.

Barracks: military buildings or former military buildings used for various functions, often used as headquarters for detachments or small garrisons. In the article, the Barracks are mentioned as the location where a brush fire occurred.

Bonifazi: the reference could be to a body of volunteers or a local association that took care of putting out the bush fire near the Barracks of Civitavecchia.

Civitavecchia Local Police: this is the municipal police force of Civitavecchia, responsible for public order and traffic management within the city. During the fire emergency, the Local Police collaborated to guarantee the safety of citizens and the correct carrying out of rescue operations.

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