«I only had Navi». Yes to the residence permit

«I only had Navi». Yes to the residence permit
«I only had Navi». Yes to the residence permit

Soni has a blank look, he walks under the weight of pain, with difficulty when he arrives in front of Palazzo M, a foundation building in the heart of Latina where the police headquarters are located. Her clasped hands resting on the t-shirt with small black and white stripes. Next to her there is another girl, she is the cultural mediator, and then Hardeep Kaur, known to all as Laura, the secretary of the Flai CGIL of Latina and Frosinone who never abandons her, who has been at her side since the day of accident that took away her life partner. Hardeep Kaur has his arm on her shoulder, holding her close, trying to protect her as much as she can. Soni enters the passport office ready to sign the paperwork to get the residence permit. One of those of “special protection”, released after the tragedy she never thought she would experience: the death of her husband Satnam Singh, as Navi called herself, the 31-year-old Indian laborer who died after a machine amputated his arm right and his employer, instead of taking him to hospital, abandoned him in the courtyard of his home a few kilometers from his company in Borgo Santa Maria.

Satnam Singh could have been saved, he died due to “the delay in calling for help”

Navi didn’t make it, but now it’s Soni who’s worried, she doesn’t believe her husband is dead, she keeps saying it’s not possible, «he didn’t leave me alone, I only had him and he only had me», they are the only ones things he repeats. She can no longer stay alone in the cottage behind a house where she had been staying for over a year, in the Sant’Ilario area in the municipality of Cisterna. There she tells the other women who speak her language that she sees Satnam Singh everywhere, he is in the whole house. «I want my mother» he said yesterday morning to the mayor of Latina, Matilde Celentano, who asked the interpreters to tell her that she will do everything possible: «I will never forget this meeting, I asked her what she needed most in this dramatic moment and she expressed the desire to have her mother, who lives in India, next to her. I will move with the competent institutions to allow her to have her family close to her. We have also activated social services and requested psychological assistance from the local health authority for the grieving process.” Soni had only Navi in ​​Italy: without him, now, there is no one left for her. Yet for now she doesn’t want to leave the country, the place where she had arrived with her husband, where they were waiting to put some savings aside, obtain a residence permit to start a family. You asked for that document yesterday at 1pm at the passport office where you signed the paperwork. A “special protection” permit, pursuant to article 18 of the Consolidated Law on Immigration, issued by the police commissioner Fausto Vinci after authorization from the judicial authority.

The prosecutor’s investigation, however, has the task of clarifying the many points that are still unclear. The prosecutor Giuseppe De Falco and the public prosecutor Marina Marra entrusted the autopsy on the laborer’s body to the medical examiner Maria Cristina Setacci, which was completed at San Camillo on Thursday evening. The outcome of the examination will be useful to establish whether, if help had been called immediately, instead of being abandoned with the limb amputated and placed in a plastic box near the garbage, the man could have been saved. . The only suspect is Antonello Lovato, 37 years old, owner together with his father of the family farm in the countryside of Borgo Santa Maria where, in the meantime, the seizure of the roller plastic wrapping machine towed by a tractor which cut it was ordered the arm, but also of the area where the accident occurred. The Carabinieri of the provincial command of Latina, however, are listening to dozens of people, the other workers of the company, to accurately reconstruct the facts. The Navi affair has shaken and moved Italy, reopening a wound in the Pontine countryside that has always been open, that of gangmastering. The strike of the Flai Cgil in the agricultural sector in Latina is proclaimed for today, while the CGIL of Rome and Lazio, the Flai CGIL of Rome and Lazio, the Chamber of Labor of Frosinone and Latina and the Flai CGIL of Frosinone and Latina have promoted, in conjunction with the strike, a demonstration scheduled for 5pm in Piazza della Libertà, in which the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein has already announced that he will also participate.



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