«With differentiated autonomy, Calabria with fruit»

YIELD «And so the putative father of Porcellum gave birth to another ignoble bill, definitively approved by the Italian Parliament on Wednesday 19 May. Calderoli, in his stubborn anti-Southern action, has “lost his hair but not his habit”. The tragic thing is that this vice was shared by the entire centre-right majority, including Forza Italia, despite the instrumental outbursts of our Regional President in the “Cesarini area”. And what is even more serious, Differentiated Autonomy was also desired by the patriot Hon. Meloni, who was therefore responsible for the disunity of Italy, precisely she who in her youth was trained in a culture that has always idealised, in truth, the concept of a united nation”. This is what he states in a well-known Reformist Federation of Rende.
«Obviously – continues the Reformist Federation – the many southern and Calabrian votes achieved by the League cannot help but cause scandal, whose parliamentarians elected in the South enthusiastically voted for the Calderoli law, which represents a success for Salvini’s party. The League, which was born secessionist, was transformed into a national party, to give birth, with the help of men and women from the South, to a measure which deals a mortal blow to the hope of development of the southern regions and which widens the gap between the North and the South.
It is clear, therefore, that Differentiated Autonomy will worsen the difficult situation in which the South already finds itself.
President Occhiuto, together with others, has worked to define the standard costs in terms of civil and social rights, to achieve the objective of producing the same LEP for all regions. In the meantime, the financial availability to support the aforementioned LEPs should be verified. The presumed principle of equality, however, which would be guaranteed by the LEP, does not concern large infrastructures, roads, motorways, ports, airports, regasification plants, waste-to-energy plants and so on. The Northern regions, to improve their infrastructures which are already more advanced and modern than the Southern ones, will certainly use significant state and European funding for the aforementioned strategic infrastructures for the development of the territories; funding which will certainly be guaranteed to them by a Government with an evident Northern traction. Thanks to the centre-right, including Foza Italia which cannot be pulled out having shared and approved all of Calderoli’s madness, the regions of Southern Italy, and Calabria in particular, are at a loss. Among the Calabrian parliamentarians who voted for this unjust and unfortunate law, the Hon. Simona Loizzo and sen. Mario Occhiuto. The first had the great idea of ​​waving the flag of Calabria as a sign of jubilation in the Chamber at Montecitorio. Perhaps, unconsciously, she realized that only the flag will remain in Calabria, thanks in particular to her friend Calderoli. Occhiuto senior’s vote has another depth. As a cheerful former Mayor of Cosenza, more than others he should know that the Calabrian municipalities are in code red, starting with that of our capital city, which was affectionately accompanied to the collapse. Occhiuto Junior, on the other hand, cries tears of disdain towards the Calderoli law, after having supported it as deputy group leader, as group leader at Montecitorio and as deputy secretary of Forza Italia. We will see if his are crocodile tears for the benefit of fools, or an awareness of his political responsibility towards the Calabrians who elected him President, a responsibility that should lead him to implement all the institutional measures to erase this shame, which dishonors the Italian right and Forza Italia.”

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