PAVIA 06/21/2024: Palestinian flag on the Cathedral. Meanwhile, the rector asks the soldiers to vacate the occupied spaces in the University

PAVIA 06/21/2024: Palestinian flag on the Cathedral. Meanwhile, the rector asks the soldiers to vacate the occupied spaces in the University
PAVIA 06/21/2024: Palestinian flag on the Cathedral. Meanwhile, the rector asks the soldiers to vacate the occupied spaces in the University

PAVIA “What is a Palestinian flag doing on the dome of the Cathedral of Pavia?”, Many are asking themselves the (rhetorical) question after what has happened in the last few hours. When, at night, someone hung a Palestinian flag on the dome of the Cathedral.

Among those who have asked the question there is also (on the social network of Israel and an enemy of anti-Semetism.

Pavia senator Gian Marco Centinaio essentially asked himself the same question, writing on Facebook. “If the Bishop decided to hoist the Palestinian flag on the bell tower of the Cathedral, that’s one thing. If someone did it without authorization, a complaint should be filed.”

In the meantime, the incident (which replicates what happened last June 5th, this time to the detriment of the Milan Cathedral), has been brought to the attention of Digos.

The demonstration at the Cathedral is part of a climate of tension experienced in the city linked to the war in Gaza. A climate that resulted, after the occupation of the courtyard, in the takeover of the corridor of the Rectorate of the city university by pro-Palestinian activists. This after the university management said No to stopping academic-scientific relations between the University of Pavia and Israeli entities or companies, as the militants requested.

But not only that, with an open letter on the pages of the Pavia Province, the rector Francesco Svelto expressly asked to free up the spaces. “More than 4 weeks have now passed since the protest took exclusive possession of University spaces – he quickly wrote -, it is important to restore a regime of ordinary use, available to all students. It is right that everyone respects each other and can use the spaces freely and safely. The risk is that, otherwise, we cross the red line in which the vibrant protest, even if certainly non-violent, becomes arrogance”

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