“I’ll knock out your teeth and take out your eyes.” Threats to his wife in front of their young children, arrested in Busto Arsizio

“I’ll knock out your teeth and take out your eyes.” Threats to his wife in front of their young children, arrested in Busto Arsizio
“I’ll knock out your teeth and take out your eyes.” Threats to his wife in front of their young children, arrested in Busto Arsizio

The state police of Busto Arsizio interrupted the cycle of violence caused by a Tunisian citizen accused of serious harmful conduct towards his wife, minor children and elderly mother-in-law.

The man, resident in Busto Arsizioappeared to already have a previous criminal record against him conviction for domestic abuse. Despite this, episodes of violence occurred again. According to police investigations, it emerged that the woman, an Italian citizen, was habitual victim of beatings by her husband that caused them injuries.

She was hit with serious threats, literal ones: “I’ll blow your face off if you don’t give me the money, I’ll kill you, I’ll knock out all your teeth, I’ll take out your eyes”. The whole in the presence of minor children terrified. For these crimes the man was arrested flagrantly and is currently being held in custody in prison at the Como district prison.

The Police Commissioner of Varese, having assessed the seriousness of the conduct, ordered, through the Anti-Crime Police Division, to activate an investigation aimed at requesting the special surveillance prevention measure of public safety. The Milan court, autonomous prevention measures section, positively accepted the request, ordering the measure for the duration of 2 years and 6 months.

When the man is released, he will be subject to stringent checks in consideration of its marked social danger. At the same time, the so-called “electronic bracelet“, a device that allows you to monitor the movements of the person under surveillance so that he remains at a distance of no less than 500 meters from the offended people, under penalty of mandatory arrest.

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