«Terni cannot be governed by looking at it from Livorno, Reggio Calabria or Caserta»

«Terni cannot be governed by looking at it from Livorno, Reggio Calabria or Caserta»
«Terni cannot be governed by looking at it from Livorno, Reggio Calabria or Caserta»

TERNI – «The Mayor pro tempore should stop passing the buck which is making him ridiculous and is increasingly isolating him from the city, from his old supporters and from the citizens. The solution of not addressing the problem of the corresponding waste tariff immediately, or postponing everything for a year, does nothing but postpone the problem over time.” For the PD advisory group and for the municipal secretariat «it is necessary to intervene now, on the competences of the municipality in this regard, that is, closing the waste cycle, earning on reuse and recovery and expanding the range of benefits for families in difficulty, i.e. those with ISEE below the poverty line, numerous ones and those with people with disabilities within them. Immediate solutions are still needed, as we proposed today in the council for benefits for third sector entities. Measures are needed on the municipal regulation, starting from the number of emptyings of undifferentiated waste, up to the benefits to be increased for users of composters”.

«A city cannot be governed by staying there half a day a week and for the rest looking at it from Livorno or Rome, from Caserta, from Reggio Calabria or from Fondi. Today was proof of this, not even a dozen citizens and association representatives responded to the appeal. A city is governed by following it and listening to it seven days a week, 24 hours a day. In 2018, when the right regained the city government, the cost of the waste disposal service paid by citizens in the Municipality of Terni was the lowest in Umbria. This despite the fact that in that almost twenty years of centre-leftism the Municipality of Terni had renounced, for environmental reasons, two fundamental assets such as the municipal landfill and incinerator and had started, in partnership with the Asm, an ambitious separate waste collection program which made Terni, over the years, one of the most virtuous municipalities in Umbria. We add, as a reminder: in the almost twenty years from 1999 to 2018, Terni was a clean and well-kept city, by virtue of constant collaboration between attentive and vigilant municipal administrations and a collaborating and qualified ASM. Today Terni is undoubtedly a dirtier and less cared for city, due to defects in attention and commitment undeniably attributable to the total administrative absence of the Municipality. That said, the dynamics of the relationship between the Municipality and its subsidiaries (energy, environment, waste, water, purification, pharmacies, transport, parking, services, etc.) are one of the key factors of good administration. There are those who know how to do it and are committed to it, just as there are those who are incapable of it and don’t care. Accounting always derives from this system of controls, relationships and collaborations. It should be remembered, for those who don’t know or have lost their memory, that the territorial plan of the province of Terni, which increased separate waste collection to 75%, was awarded by Federambiente as the best national plan of the three-year period 2012-2014. That plan envisaged the development of the punctual tariff, which would have allowed, if applied, to reduce the costs of the service borne by citizens who had adopted virtuous behavior in differentiation. It was the responsibility of the subsequent centre-right administration to block the punctual tariff and the full implementation of the plan. In reality, Bandecchi tries to fish in trouble when he declares that he could cause ASM to fail, trying to make people forget his contradictory attitude and prevarications, when he should have signed the letter of the 61 mayors of various orientations who asked Auri to freeze tariffs . We will do our part as we have always done to further improve the service, the majority must truly commit and stop engaging in pure demagoguery.”

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