«Against me only poisons now fairness from my adversaries»

Controversy rages over these latest glimpses of the electoral campaign in the city of Avellino. A poisonous controversy, made up of continuous exchanges of accusations between the teams on the field and decidedly high tones. Precisely for this reason, the mayoral candidate of the civic group, Laura Nargi, decided to launch an appeal for fairness by directly addressing her opponents.

“We have reached the final rush – he declared – and I strongly feel within myself the duty to invite everyone to be as fair as possible.” In the last month, Nargi recalled, «we have witnessed personal attacks of disproportionate vehemence towards me, exploitation, poison and excessive hatred, carried out without interruption by my competitors on the left, which do not honor a civil electoral confrontation ».

But as the days went by, things got even worse. “We are experiencing – the former deputy mayor highlighted – a further escalation of low blows: fake news, widespread diffusion of WhatsApp messages peppered with alleged, but very serious, leaks to mislead and impress voters, appeals proposed by self-styled intellectuals” super partes” in reality candidates with Antonio Gengaro. And then real prevarications, such as the covering of my electoral posters in the spaces intended for me with those advertising the arrival of the Five Star leader, Giuseppe Conte, or commissioned to sponsor a debate led by Action”.

With respect to all this, Nargi reserves the right to act in all legal venues, however, she tries to somehow calm the situation. «The city – he said – needs a more civilized climate. Once again I invite my competitors and all those who, in various capacities, are following this tail end of the electoral campaign, to strive to raise the level of the debate and to escape the easy temptation of fomenting hatred”. Fueling the controversy, among other things, is the recent news of an agreement between Nargi and the League for the runoff. The candidate also clarified on the latter. «There has been no agreement, political or programmatic, formal or informal, between our coalition and the League – she stated. What is reported on the social profile of the center-left candidate, Antonio Gengaro, and in some press statements by him and other representatives of the parties that support him, is pure and simple fake news.” On this point Nargi is clear: «It is sad to note – she said – how, once again, the normal democratic dialectic that should characterize an electoral campaign has been invalidated by exploitation and forcing, in this case real hoaxes, evidently the result of a unscrupulous and incorrect in conceiving political competition”.

The issue arose three days ago when the national head of Territorial Cohesion and SEZ of the League, Luigi Barone, forwarded a note in which he asked the party’s militants and supporters to take sides in the run-off alongside Nargi. However, it was the provincial secretary of the party, Salvatore Vecchia, who distanced himself from the national Northern League leader. «With reference to the note issued by Luigi Barone – he said – it is specified that it represents a personal position and does not bind the Avellino League which expresses itself through provincial coordination and city coordination».

In the meantime, however, the clash with the Democratic Party’s references continues. Nargi, who in recent days has repeatedly reiterated that she has moved away from Via Tagliamento, was responded to sharply by the management group: «We want to remind the forgetful Nargi that it is not she who has moved away, but it is the Democratic Party that has expelled her» . The reason is simple: «Laura Nargi, and with her those who have guided her politically in recent years, have implemented conduct designed to go against the party, to weaken it, destroy it, make it crash. I’m sorry to have to contradict you because today the Democratic Party is in excellent health, so much so that it was the first party in both the European elections and the local elections.”


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