#NoiSonoLeScuole: against school dropout theater workshops at the ITIS “Alessandro Volta” in Alessandria – #NoiriamoLeScuole: against school dropout theater workshops at the ITIS “Alessandro Volta” in Alessandria

The video story of the Ministry of Education and Merit this week is dedicated to the ITIS “Alessandro Volta” of Alessandria which, thanks to PNRR funds for the reduction of territorial gaps, has started extracurricular projects on inclusion and the value of diversity .

Thanks to PNRR funds, the ITIS “Volta”, very committed to combating school dropout, so much so as to establish the first diversity and inclusion point of reference in Italy, has this year been transformed into a sort of campus, open all year round day and sometimes even in the evening, with the aim of combining thematic reflections and innovative experiences, to strengthen learning, create relationships and motivate students to attend school.

“Alessandria – comments the Director, Maria Elena Dealessi – is a city with an extremely varied school population and it is therefore very important to work to fight against dropout. Thanks to PNRR funds, this year we have managed to keep the school active every afternoon”, offering new opportunities to the 1,300 students who attend the institute.

“One of the workshops we organized – says teacher Sandro Marenco – is called ‘The weight of words’. In the morning we gave space to around 250 kids, in the afternoon to the teachers and in the evening to the parents. Three different moments in three different days to give the right weight to the words.”

“Having kids with different interests, from first to fifth grade – adds the teacher Federica Roncati, describing another activity – we put together music, dance and acting, creating a theatrical show on ancient Greece, with a comparison with the contemporary history of women who have obtained the right to vote, and with the inclusion of musical interludes and moments of dance-fighting”. The result was a play that allowed us to reflect on important issues, such as gender equality, and to stimulate group work and new friendships.

Watch the video of the ITIS “Alessandro Volta” of Alessandria on projects to reduce territorial gaps.

#NoiSonoLeScuole is the project of the Ministry of Education and Merit dedicated to the stories of teaching and community and to the stories of the PNRR Education:

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