“The company is solid, always oriented towards providing services to citizens”

“The company is solid, always oriented towards providing services to citizens”
“The company is solid, always oriented towards providing services to citizens”

Excellent news arrives for the citizens of Lucca from the final balance sheet of Farmacie Comunali Spa. For the first time, a significant operating profit has been recorded, equal to 641 thousand euros, which will be distributed as a dividend equal to 0.35 euros for each share owned to the three partners: Farma Acquisition Holding Spa, a private component that holds 72 percent, Lucca Holding Spa with 25 percent and the municipality of Bagni di Lucca with three percent.

Our financial statements as of 31.12.2023, approved by the assembly on 22 May, are one of our best financial statements in terms of economic result, with a turnover of 10.7 million euros, a clear increase– declared the CEO of Farmacie Comunali Spa Antonino Rivara After the pandemic period we recovered a lot in turnover. We have not yet managed to reach the pre-pandemic turnover, especially due to the problems linked to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, inflation and the conflict in the Middle East, but we are optimistic: our company has always generated liquidity and is in a good balance financial, also confirmed by the fact that we managed to reduce the share capital due to redundancy from five million and 688 thousand euros to around two million, with a return to shareholders of three million and 620 thousand euros in December 2023, of which 905 thousand euros in Lucca Holding Spa, 108 thousand euros to the municipality of Bagni di Lucca and the remainder to the majority shareholder FAH Spa”.

I am satisfied with the progress of the company: I particularly congratulate the CEO and the staff of the individual pharmacies, who are committed to doing more and more every day– commented the president Andrea Casali– Our goal is to improve ourselves, like all other companies: our hope is to increase turnover and profit and provide ever greater services to the city and citizens”.

This result is due to the constant commitment of the administrative body and employees and to the common objectives that Lucca Holding has found with Farma Acquisition– continued the sole director of Lucca Holding Marco Porciani This is preparatory to further satisfaction for the people of Lucca in relation to the quality of services and for the company regarding the financial performance”.

The company manages five municipal pharmacies in Lucca, one in Fornoli and two under management in Capannori, always in compliance with a company mission based on the three pillars of health, well-being and prevention, and oriented towards the promotion of the “pharmacy of services”: “We engage in information and promotional campaigns on the most relevant health issues, with a certain attention to social issues and childhood– explained Rivara- We also maintain price cap policies, including with various discount initiatives and price cut campaigns”.

We are a small partner, with a small pharmacy, but we are proud to be part of this company– finally the mayor of Bagni di Lucca spoke Paolo Michelini I thank you for the commitment, work and professionalism in running the company which allows for results that are there for all to see: the company is solid and I hope it will continue for many years”.

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