In Milan the gold medal for civil merit was awarded to Aned in the presence of Liliana Segre. Alberti (Aned Prato): “Unique emotion”

Important day for Gabriele Alberti, president of Aned Prato. In fact, this morning, in the Prefecture of Milan, the ceremony of awarding the gold medal for civil merit to the National Association of Former Deportees in Nazi Camps took place. The recognition was conferred by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, and was physically delivered by the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and by the senator for life Liliana Segre to the president of the national Aned Dario Venegoni.

This is the motivation: “For having promoted, during the fascist period, a solidarity network which, with heroic courage and commendable self-sacrifice, worked in favor of the persecuted and politically interned by providing them with medicines, food and helping their clandestine expatriation. Since the end of the war it has always distinguished itself in the meritorious activity of defending the values ​​of the Republican Constitution and the ideals of the Resistance to Nazi-Fascism, of preserving the historical memory of those who sacrificed their lives for love through years of prison, confinement and internment. of the Homeland and to restore freedom and democracy to the Italian people. Noble example of sacrifice and human solidarity.”

Alberti’s emotion was strong: “President Venegoni’s speech was beautiful and he remembered Prato, the twinning between Prato and Ebensee and our Roberto Castellani. It was wonderful to be able to talk to Senator Segre and be close to everyone and all the Italian Aned representatives – comments Alberti -. A moment that we will never forget, in memory and dedicated to all those who are no longer here, in particular the former deportees. A hug to their families and to our President Emeritus Giancarlo Biagini”.

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