Quartu Sant’Elena weather, the forecast for weekend 21st

The weather forecast for Quartu Sant’Elena indicates a stable and warm weekend. Temperatures will remain high, with clear or slightly cloudy skies and moderate winds. Humidity will vary, but conditions will remain dry. Maximum temperatures will reach above average values, offering an ideal climate for outdoor activities.

Friday 21 June

In the night in Quartu Sant’Elena, they are expected scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 32%. Temperatures will hover around +23.1°Cwith a perception of +23°C. The wind will blow a 4.5km/h coming from the North, with gusts up to 4.8km/h. Precipitation and humidity will be absent, while the atmospheric pressure will be 1016hPa.

During the morning, the sky will present scattered clouds with a cloud cover of 27%. Temperatures will rise to +31.4°Cwith a perception of +31.6°C. The wind will be weak, with intensity around 9.1km/h coming from the West. Conditions will remain dry, with a humidity of 41% and a pressure of 1016hPa.

In the afternoon, skies will be clear with cloud cover at 7%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +34.1°Cwith a perception of +34.2°C. The wind will increase slightly, with a speed of 10.5km/h coming from the West. Conditions will remain dry, with a humidity of 34% and an atmospheric pressure of 1015hPa.

In the evening, skies will remain clear with cloud cover at 3%. Temperatures will hover around +21.4°Cwith a perception of +21.5°C. The wind will blow a 23.9km/h coming from the North – North West. Humidity will increase slightly at 75%while the atmospheric pressure will be 1016hPa.

Saturday 22 June

Overnight, skies will be clear with some cloud cover at 0%. Temperatures will remain around +20.5°Cwith a perception of +20.7°C. The wind will blow a 19.9km/h coming from the North – North West, with gusts up to 32.3km/h. The humidity will be of 81% and the atmospheric pressure of 1016hPa.

In the morning, weather conditions will remain stable with clear skies and cloud cover at 0%. Temperatures will rise to +28.7°Cwith a perception of +27.8°C. The wind will increase slightly, with a speed of 29.6km/h coming from the North West. The humidity will be of 33% and the pressure of 1016hPa.

During the afternoon, skies will remain clear with cloud cover at 0%. Maximum temperatures will reach i +30.7°Cwith a perception of +29.4°C. The wind will be moderate, with a speed of 36.9km/h coming from the North West. Conditions will remain dry, with a humidity of 30% and an atmospheric pressure of 1015hPa.

In the evening, skies will be clear with cloud cover at 0%. Temperatures will hover around +19.1°Cwith a perception of +19°C. The wind will blow a 27km/h coming from the North West. Humidity will increase at 60%while the atmospheric pressure will be 1015hPa.

Sunday 23 June

In the night, the sky will be clear with cloud cover at 1%. Temperatures will remain around +17.8°Cwith a perception of +17.8°C. The wind will blow a 20.6km/h coming from the North – North West, with gusts up to 38.7km/h. The humidity will be81% and the atmospheric pressure of 1015hPa.

During the morning, the sky will present few clouds with cloud cover al 11%. Temperatures will rise to +26.6°Cwith a perception of +26.6°C. The wind will be moderate, with a speed of 34.3km/h coming from the North West. The humidity will be of 45% and the pressure of 1013hPa.

In the afternoon, the sky will have scattered clouds with cloud cover al 58%. Maximum temperatures will be around +27.6°Cwith a perception of +27.4°C. The wind will be moderate, with a speed of 35.1km/h coming from the North West. Conditions will remain dry, with a humidity of 41% and an atmospheric pressure of 1013hPa.

In the evening, the sky will present scattered clouds with cloud cover al 65%. Temperatures will drop around +22.2°Cwith a perception of +21.9°C. The wind will blow a 30.5km/h coming from the North West. Humidity will increase at 56%while the atmospheric pressure will be 1013hPa.

In conclusion, the weekend in Quartu Sant’Elena promises stable weather conditions and high temperatures. The days will be characterized by clear or slightly cloudy skies, with moderate winds and variable humidity. Thermal values ​​will remain above average, guaranteeing a warm and dry climate to fully enjoy outdoor activities.

Complete weather forecast for Quartu Sant’Elena

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