The “night of snakes” scheduled in Pescara on July 20 also divides regional politics – Corriere Peligno

The “night of snakes” scheduled in Pescara on July 20 also divides regional politics – Corriere Peligno
The “night of snakes” scheduled in Pescara on July 20 also divides regional politics – Corriere Peligno

According to the opposition councilors “more than a year after the approval of the Consolidated Law on Culture, Marsilio’s Abruzzo is unable to plan” –

Pescara, 20 June– “An incomplete program, a non-existent income statement and, in fact, the request to have carte blanche to increase the budget to 1 million euros, beyond the 250 thousand already allocated. This is the content of the resolution, which arrived on the table of the Office of the President of the Abruzzo Region regarding the “Night of snakes”, the event, in its second edition, which should take place in Pescara on July 20th.

Too many nebulosities that led us to vote against to protect the public resources of all the people of Abruzzo. The only certainty is that, if the budget already allocated is not increased, everything that has been promised in recent months, including Rai prime time, seems like it won’t be there. Yet for months and months the center-right has propagated how last summer the event was ‘epochal’, while today, just a year later, with the same 250,000 euros it seems that only a ‘reduced’ event can be achieved, as defined by the organizers themselves”, it was the opposition members of the President’s office who revealed the issue Antonio Blasioli and Erika Alessandrini that withLuciano D’Amico and colleagues of Pact for Abruzzoask for more clarity.

“We cannot invest the Region’s resources in the dark – say the opposition councilors – over a year has passed since the approval of the Consolidated Law on culture, which should help the Region to plan on a three-year plan, also in the field of cultural and entertainment activities, but the planning tool has never been effectively implemented . The Plan should establish the strategic directions of regional cultural activity, identifying the intervention guidelines for the organization of activities and the implementation of initiatives through an effective distribution of resources.

One wonders if once again the Abruzzo Region is falling into the trap of spot events, without intervention guidelines and lacking proper planning. Until last month we listened to the center-right talk about an extraordinary event, international guests and Rai prime time already on the calendar, and even an appendix of the event in the internal areas, only to then learn that the promised “greatness” is still to be defined , and above all to be financed. More careful work is certainly needed and we hope that the necessary clarifications will arrive in the coming weeks. We owe it to the citizens, artists and entertainment workers of the whole of Abruzzo, since it is an easy solution to spend everything on a few events, but the planning of cultural events should be careful and with a vision of valorising the territories in the long term term. Especially in this period, in which the healthcare deficit is already forcing the Region to make painful cuts, we cannot afford to spend even a single euro badly”, they conclude.

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