«A new employment plan is in sight. And we will not create any more precarious employment”

«A new employment plan is in sight. And we will not create any more precarious employment”
«A new employment plan is in sight. And we will not create any more precarious employment”

CATANZARO «We are working on a new employment plan for Calabria with the aim of creating the conditions for real work» and without creating new precarious employment in Calabria. She said it the regional councilor for Labor Giovanni Calabrese during a press conference to present the public notice “Kaire Calabria”, dedicated to workers in the tourism sector, and the announcement on the fund to support female entrepreneurship (Fif). The meeting with journalists provided the opportunity for an overall view of the situation regarding work and the priorities to be addressed in Calabria.

Kaire and Fif

With reference to the two notices, Calabrese, assisted by the general manager of the Region’s Labor Department Fortunato Varoneexplained that as for “Kaire” «the novelty that we propose again aware of the fact that in the first phase there was not an excellent success, probably due to a communication problem because we arrived late last year compared to the season. This year we proposed it again in time and we have always shared it with the category selection and with the hope that it can be an important incentive not only for permanent hiring but also for fixed-term seasonal work and with the aim of bringing to light the very hidden aspects that unfortunately exist in this sector. We continue to dialogue with companies and continue to invest in work which represents the most important problem we have in Calabria. The endowment amounts to 8 million euros which however we also planned to increase in case there was interest from companies in the tourism sector. We are also opening the door regarding self-employment for women: we have invested significant resources, 6 million euros through the Yes Startup notice, the training phase will be over.” Calabrese then specified: We are working on a new employment plan for Calabria with the aim of creating the conditions for real work for Calabria. We continue to talk about a hemorrhage of Calabrians, every year 10 thousand people leave Calabria due to lack of work, quality, real work and through these tools, through incentives, through discussion, synergy with trade associations , with companies, with unions we want to create the conditions to reverse the trend and give Calabrians the opportunity to work in Calabria.”

The Tis dispute

At the center of attention the social inclusion trainees’ dispute4 thousand Calabrian workers awaiting contractualization: «What was said to the unions – explained Calabrese – is that we cannot think of solving the problems of the Tis as was done in the past with socially useful workers. The Calabria Region does not currently have the possibility to invest resources in its budget. For the LSU we invest 39 million euros a year and 39 million are invested by the state budget. Today it is no longer possible to repeat this operation. We are thinking about how to reduce this basin, we are also thinking with the national government through the rules we have made to somehow contractualize these workers who certainly represent a utility for local authorities. At the same time, local authorities must also be responsible and understand that they cannot use staff without paying them. Therefore – the regional councilor reiterated – there is an open discussion and we will also involve the ANCI in this discussion with the aim of giving a definitive answer to this basin which represents a reckless choice of the past. What we certainly won’t do is create a new precarious situation in Calabria.”

The Abraham Cc dispute

The point also on dispute of the Abramo Customer Care call center, which sees over a thousand workers at risk in Calabria: for Calabrese «there is an open discussion with multiple ministries and there is a commitment on the part of the Calabria Region to deploy the necessary resources also through the Gol program to retrain these personnel. We know that we cannot lose another thousand jobs in Calabria. We are committed on this front to also try to solve this problem. There is an open discussion with Tim, there is an open discussion with the ministry. There is a problem: the order of the 30th expires on June 30th and the receivership of this company expires in August, It’s close deadlines that worry ushowever – the councilor remarked – together with the regional government, together with President Occhiuto and the various ministries we are trying to find solutions”.

Employment centres

Another point addressed by the Calabrian regional councilor: «Job centers are moving forward, they are changing their skin and destiny, the financing plan for the employment centers is moving forward after the hiring of 500 people who are making a huge contribution to this new phase that we are creating and implementing. There are many projects aimed at employment that pass through the employment centers, which represent an important point in the municipalities where they are present throughout the territory. Beyond this there will also be investment in structures. Yesterday there was a discussion with the mayors: they are moving forward with respect to the deadlines set by the Pnrr”. The president of Unindustria Calabria also participated in the meeting with journalists Aldo Ferrara and the president of Federalberghi Calabria Fabrizio D’Agosvat. (B.C)

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