Rimini: traveling to Fratta Polesine in the footsteps of Giacomo Matteotti on the hundredth anniversary of his assassination

On the occasion of the centenary of the assassination by fascists of Giacomo Matteotti, which occurred on 10 June 1924, the National Association of Garibaldi Veterans and Veterans, the ANPI, the ANPI Provincial Committee, SPI CGIL Women’s Coordination and the Institute for the History of Resistenza and Contemporary Italy are organizing a commemorative day in Fratta Polesine and Rovigo for Sunday 7 July.

The day’s program will start with the coach departure at 8 am from Rimini to reach Fratta Polesine at 10.30 am and visit the Matteotti House Museum, recently restored and reopened to the public.

After a convivial lunch, organized at the Mulino Pizzon, at 3pm the journey will continue towards Rovigo to visit the exhibition “Giacomo Matteotti, a story of everyone”, at Palazzo Roncale.

The initiative, open by reservation and completely self-financed, includes an expense contribution of 53 euros (the fee includes travel, guided tours and lunch). Reservations can be made by June 26, 2024, by contacting the email address [email protected] or the telephone number 3519788150.

Giacomo Matteotti

This trip represents an important opportunity to honor the memory of Giacomo Matteotti, an emblematic figure of the resistance against fascism, and to deepen our knowledge of his life and struggles. The visit to the Matteotti House Museum and the exhibition in Rovigo will allow participants to immerse themselves in the history and context that characterized Matteotti’s life, offering food for thought on the values ​​of freedom and social justice.

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