Hot in Latina, tomorrow among the eight red flag cities

Today and tomorrow the city of Latina, together with other important Italian cities such as Ancona, Campobasso, Frosinone, Palermo, Perugia, Rieti and Rome, will have to deal with the first heat due to the anticyclone Minos, in particular tomorrow, when the the Pontine capital will be among the eight “red sticker” cities. The risk level has risen to 3, which means that we are facing “emergency conditions with possible negative effects on the health of healthy and active people, and not only on risk subgroups such as the elderly, very young children and people suffering from chronic diseases”.

The “red dot” represents the maximum level of alert envisaged by the Ministry of Health regarding heat waves. This classification implies that the entire population must take precautionary measures to avoid serious health consequences. Today, however, Latina is among the 15 cities with an orange sticker.

Recommendations for the Population

Local and health authorities have released a series of recommendations to best deal with this emergency:

  1. Stay indoors: Avoid going out during the hottest hours of the day, usually between 11:00 and 18:00.
  2. Hydrate Adequately: Drink plenty of water, avoiding alcoholic or sugary drinks which can promote dehydration.
  3. Wear light clothing: Prefer light, light and breathable clothing to help the body maintain an adequate temperature.
  4. Pay attention to the most vulnerable: Pay particular attention to children, the elderly and people with pre-existing health conditions, ensuring they are adequately hydrated and protected from heat.
  5. Use fans and air conditioners: Keep your home and work environments cool by using fans or air conditioners. If you do not have an air conditioning system, it is advisable to spend some hours of the day in air-conditioned public places, such as shopping centers or libraries.
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