U15 women’s football, the Benetti trophy begins – Livornopress

U15 women’s football, the Benetti trophy begins – Livornopress
U15 women’s football, the Benetti trophy begins – Livornopress


June 20, 2024

Livorno 20 June 2024 – U15 women’s football, the Benetti trophy starts

The event aims to promote women’s football, strengthen its image by trying to break down the wall of discrimination and give any woman the opportunity to choose to practice this sport, but not only that, it simultaneously promotes participation and develops links with the territory through the involvement of institutions, businesses and city associations. The Benetti Trophy will be not only a sporting experience but also an educational one for the athletes of Juventus, Inter, Roma, Lazio and Livorno who will be guests of the Naval Academy of Livorno.

The tournament will be enriched by several events:

-project presentation “Football LibraryThe FOOTBALL LIBRARY project wants to contribute to the valorisation of culture, not only sports culture, but also wants to offer an overall picture of the history of the relationship between football and literature. The soccer it is certainly the most popular sport in Italy, if not in the world. However, not everyone knows that it has many ramifications and offers food for thought on many areas of our society, allowing us to range.

It aims to offer documentation and bibliographic research services, it aims to guide athletes and enthusiasts through the history of Italian and world football, it will be possible to research and learn about facts, statistics, news, but also technical manuals, journalistic interventions, periodicals, novels, stories and poems, biographies and autobiographies, essays of various kinds dedicated to football.

U15 women’s football, the Benetti trophy starts


-The players of the ASD LIVORNO first team, supported and coordinated by coaches and managers in the organization of MEET LIVORNO WOMEN, a playful event made up of games/exercises reserved for girls, future footballers, where they can demonstrate that it is possible to educate through movement, transmit and create the passion for sport, instill through play the values ​​that can be transferred to the different contexts of life such as: respect, trust, comparison, loyalty, solidarity, respect for the person and team spirit. All this leaving ample space in terms of time for the girls to have fun and their commitment on the pitch with small challenges, allowing everyone to increase their wealth of experiences, both on a technical and motor level and on an emotional level.

– promotion of fundraising in favor of FOP ITALY – association made up of parents and relatives of people (especially children) suffering from progressive ossifying fibrodyspasia, which also includes the captain of Livorno, Andrea Luci. During the day of the event, fundraising will be promoted in favor of FOP ITALIA. This morning, however, the delivery of a large symbolic check representing the real contribution (equal to €500.00) that ASD LIVORNO CALCIO FEMMINILE has donated to FOP ITALIA.

The Benetti Trophy is not just a women’s football tournament. Under 15, but a day of emotions and enthusiasm that we love to share. In the Benetti Trophy lies a magical essence that goes beyond simple football. It is the enchanted kingdom of youth coaches, custodians of a precious treasure: the unexplored potential of girls, both on the pitch and in life – says the general director of ASD LIVORNO CALCIO FEMMINILE, Dr. Alessio Ciampi, creator of the event -Our intent is to build a shared path of growth that makes the TROFEO BENETTI an event with its own personality, a one-of-a-kind event in Italy. All this will be possible – she concluded – by combining all the energies in the field from businesses to institutions”.

The institutions that have already confirmed their convinced support for the BENETTI TROFEO.

The second edition of the Benetti Trophy was particularly awaited” said the Mayor Luca Salvetti – “a sporting initiative that has the formula that the city of Livorno needs, the network that is formed with this initiative is the one on which the city must focus”

I want to congratulate all the organizers – he declared Lorenzano Di Renzo, admiral of the Naval Academy of Livorno – when we were presented with the possibility of contributing in some way, even if only from a logistical point of view, we did not hesitate. Sport, in addition to being a fundamental dimension of society, is an extraordinary teaching tool, which we widely use in the Naval Academy. A universe rich in values, which, beyond the purely competitive perspective, embodies the search for overcoming one’s limits, the importance of team work and respect for the rules, encouraging the harmonious development of the kids, who, dealing with the victory and defeat, with joy and disappointment, they learn the value of perseverance, integrity and humility. We hope to be involved in future editions too, perhaps in a broader and more structured way.”

This tournament gives prestige to the youth football movement, it is very important for the city of Livorno – states Bruno Perniconi, vice-president of the Tuscan National Amateur League – demonstrating that women’s football is in great development, it is now a consolidated reality at a national level, it is grown and will continue to grow in all fields.”

Representing the youth and school sector, I would like to thank the Benetti company and the ASD Livorno Calcio Femminile for the organization of this event – ​​continues Giulia Bettazzi, FIGC-SGS regional delegate for women’s football – I believe that training is very important, we always try to organize moments that go beyond the sports field. Being able to learn about other realities is good for girls, only in this way can they grow on a human level. Our goal is to give them many opportunities.”

What you have learned and will learn thanks to sport, especially team sport, will help you a lot in the world of work – says Barbara Papini, head of media communication Benetti, addressing the girls in the team – Women’s football is a way to break the mould, something that we women should do more often.”

This initiative goes well with the values ​​underlying the organizing committee of the Barontini Cup – continues Monica Bellandi, president of the Barontini Cup association – Young people and women are always at the center of all our initiatives, especially this year the competitions rowing and the Barontini Cup which was held last Saturday, saw ten-man rowing boats with an all-female crew. Until a few years ago, rowing on these boats was a prerogative, the stereotype of the male and muscular rower always existed, a stereotype that precluded women from participating in this sport, which, like all others, has no gender. The message we want to underline is the one in line with Dr. Papini, we need to break the mold and not listen to those who say that certain things cannot be done because they are women.”

Captain of the US Livorno, Andrea Luci, representing FOP ITALIA explains – the FOP is an association made up of parents and family members of children affected by progressive ossifying fibrodyspasia, only through this type of initiative can we raise funds and give support to research – concludes the captain – heartfelt thanks to the organizers of this beautiful tournament which I hope will continue to grow.

At the press conference presenting the event, which took place in the suggestive setting of the winery headquarters of the Coppa Barontini Organizing Committee, the following spoke:

Luca Salvetti – Mayor of the Municipality of Livorno

– Lorenzano Di Renzo – Admiral Commander of the Naval Academy of Livorno

– Bruno Perniconi – Vice President of the LND Tuscany Region Committee

– Dr. Giulia Bettazzi – Regional FIGC-SGS Women’s Football Delegate

– Dr. Barbara Papini –Head of Media Communication Benetti

– Monica Bellandi – President of the Coppa Barontini Association

-Andrea Luci – Captain US Livorno representing FOP

Numerous teams of national importance will be protagonists of the 2nd BENETTI TROPHY on 22 June 2024:


U15 women’s football, the Benetti trophy starts

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