Adr, new digital services for passengers launch at Fiumicino WhatsApp updates on flight status and boarding operations info – Italiavola & Travel

Adr, new digital services for passengers launch at Fiumicino WhatsApp updates on flight status and boarding operations info – Italiavola & Travel
Adr, new digital services for passengers launch at Fiumicino WhatsApp updates on flight status and boarding operations info – Italiavola & Travel

(ANSA) – ROME, JUNE 14 – Receive updates via Whatsapp
on the status of your departing flight and view it on time
real on your smartphone, thanks to intelligence
artificial, boarding operations at the gate: Rome Airports
launches two innovative digital services, just a click away, for
the passengers of the Fiumicino airport inside the
“Digiport” platform. This new Adr project is included
in the Mundys Group strategy, which considers innovation
one of the main levers of strategic development. Airports of
Rome thus accelerates on the road to digitalization for
further improve the customer experience of travellers
“Leonardo da Vinci” recently awarded by ACI World as
best European airport for the quality and excellence of
offered services. Specifically, the chatbot service via
WhatsApp allows passengers to get notifications on the
real-time flight status and detailed information on
all services provided at Fiumicino airport. The travelers,
by framing a QR Code reproduced in the lower section of the
Monitor flight info, they can access a dedicated chat for
check the status of your flight at any time without
having to consult the same terminal displays. The use
direct from the most used messaging chat in the world
allows passengers to simplify and optimize theirs
stay at the airport. Through the “Digiport” chatbot,
which has already been in the experimental phase for a few days in Fiumicino
seen nearly 1,000 passengers a day use it, it is also
You can access up-to-date information on all
services offered by Adr.
But not only: for the 14 gates E11-E24 of the boarding area
extra-Schengen “Molo E” of the “Leonardo da Vinci”, Adr launches the
“Smart Boarding” service which is accessible exclusively
via QR Code, through a system of coordinated microcameras
by artificial intelligence, it manages to collect and process
real-time data on boarding operations, giving way to
travelers to view in real time from their mobile phone
live-streaming the progress of your flight, including
detailed updates on the percentage of completion of
process. Passengers, monitoring the
completion of boarding, they can thus choose freely
when to get in line and make the most of your experience
At the airport.
Both new “Digiport” and “Smart Boarding” services –
is underlined – they represent a concrete example for Adr
of Open Innovation and circularity of ideas in the company. I am
in fact they were conceived and developed thanks to the collaboration,
respectively, with Airport AI and ZestIot, two of the startups that
participated in the Call4ideas launched by Aeroporti di Roma
at the Innovation Hub, the first business accelerator,
located in Terminal 1 of the same “Leonardo da Vinci”, for the
development of startups in the airport sector. “With these new ones
services – declared the vice president Innovation & Quality
of Rome Airports Emanuele Calà – we continue in ours
mission to revolutionize, thanks to digital, the experience of
passenger at the airport: today the traveler can have it within reach
click all the coordinates on your flight, without having to
display flight information monitors multiple times.
By directly activating notifications on your smartphone and
monitoring the boarding status of travelers in real time
they can then spend their time exploring the airport
without worries waiting for take-off”. (HANDLE).

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