Salerno, students choose the traces of Montalcini and the atomic bomb

Salerno, students choose the traces of Montalcini and the atomic bomb
Salerno, students choose the traces of Montalcini and the atomic bomb

«The praise of imperfection» as a flow of consciousness, to put on paper the emotions, the feelings, how it feels to be a “maturando” in 2024, at the end of a path where the question mark awaits the Salerno students engaged yesterday in the first test of Italian. They all (or almost all) feel trapped in the frantic search for a foothold for the future upon leaving the classrooms of the city’s high schools. At 12.30 among the first to earn the exit from Tasso classical high school is Riccardo D’Angelo: «I chose the praise of imperfection. This year went well but I’m still undecided about the future, I would like to do too many things.” Between anxiety and shyness, being undecided about future choices doesn’t seem to worry, even though there are those who already have clear ideas. Carmen Apadula is among these, she would like to be a journalist crossing the borders of Italy to the USA: «As soon as I saw Levi Montalcini I fell for it: I have a particular bond with her as an author. For the future I’m considering whether to go abroad. If I could go back I would always choose this school, I am happy with the opportunities it gave me.” She will want to pursue a sporting career and become a manager Erasmo Ossignuolodespite the classical studies and the choice to write about the evolution of the diary over time: «I was hoping for nicer tracks, the Greek version is scarier now».


Today at the linguistic high school there will be a Spanish test awaiting the students, to everyone’s joy: «Fortunately, if we had had to try our hand at French we would have had more difficulties – they declared Michela, Annamaria, Carolina and Giulia – the first test was simple». «I also chose the praise of imperfection, I already knew the theme and I felt it particularly – he declared Michela Smaldone – I lived better this year than in the three-year period but it was quite difficult. I have changed in character, the return after Covid was hard. The comparison with others was more difficult.” Although it is an institute purely based on information technology and technology, at Focaccia the choice fell on Ungaretti: «I expected worse – he said Simone Daniele Caravano – these years were beautiful, except for the last one lived with anxiety. I want to continue studying but I don’t know what exactly. We felt the return to class after Covid, we were no longer used to it.” Same choice for Luigi Rizzello: «We did some routes on Ungaretti, I managed to argue. Afterwards I don’t know what I want to do but I would like to work in sport.” The first test is the same for everyone and the analysis between «silence and words» also wins for the hotelier: «I’m giving the right weight without being too anxious – he declared Luca Paolillo – I feel like I wrote everything I wanted. This is a first step towards my future which I hope will develop in the nutritional field, I do not deny that the training received in this institute has helped me a lot.” In the eastern area between De Sanctis and Severi high school, a lot of attention to communication: «I didn’t have any difficulties – he said Alessia Petrosino, who attends 5E at classical high school – I talked about the importance of silence in dialogue, I structured it on how remaining silent is important in order to have a natural dialogue with other people and be able to understand what the other person is saying at the same time. I didn’t have anxiety, I have enough imagination. I’m a little more worried about the version.” Three of them reach the exit instead Alessandro Sorgente, Cesare Borgia and Raffaele Annunziata: «The sensations were a bit of fear, anxiety and insecurity – said Alessandro – but the topics were quite manageable. I’m satisfied and I was one of the first to finish.” For Cesare, however, he chose the track on the “atomic bomb”: «it went well, I drew a parallel with current events and the situation of Israel, China, North Korea». Same choice also for Raffaele: «she was the most interesting. There was a bit of anxiety, I expressed everything I had in mind, also making comparisons with the Oppenheimer film. I will enroll in economics in Rome.”


Many see their future far from the city that saw them grow but there are also those who want to stay between “music and entrepreneurship” like Simone Cioffi, who attended the Severi scientific high school: «There is happiness because the burden of the exam is taken away but also sadness because we leave high school. We experience a mix of emotions.”


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