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Rugby players testimonials on the pitch. The “goal” is against those who don’t pay

Rugby players testimonials on the pitch. The “goal” is against those who don’t pay
Rugby players testimonials on the pitch. The “goal” is against those who don’t pay

The Bergamo Transport Company (Atb) relaunches the “Don’t travel uncovered!” campaign. against so-called fare evasion, i.e. against those who get on the bus and do not pay the ticket, a phenomenon which in 2023 reached a percentage of 7.5%, with an increase of 1.2% compared to 2022.

And to do so it relies on an exceptional partner: the players of Rugby Bergamo 1950 who put their face to the initiative that started on Tuesday on Atb and Teb vehicles (Bergamo electric tramways). Already ten years ago the players (who have their field near the headquarters of the local public transport company, in via Gleno) had taken to the field for the same reason, carrying forward, as Liliana Donato, general director of Atb, explains, ” values ​​that unite us, respect for the rules, teamwork, collaboration”.

An athlete from Rugby Bergamo ironically photographed in underwear symbolizes the inadequacy of those traveling without a ticket, while the invitation to purchase the ticket is emphasized by the rest of the team, who shows the travel ticket. For the next three months, the images will be present on the buses, with the players (who play in Serie B) reproduced in life size, but also on the information screens of the funiculars, at tram stops, via social media and on websites. Atb and Teb have quantified the economic damage suffered by those who travel without money: every day the failure to pay for the trip leads to a loss comparable to around 80 journeys. “A service – underlines the director Liliana Donato – which could instead be offered to our users. With this campaign we want to push them to adopt correct behavior on the means of transport”. BUT

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